Applied Energistics 2: Difference between revisions

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==Storage Bus==
Storage buses connect to other inventory-like devices, such as JABBA barrels, and interactstreats withthose theminventories like they were storage cells, allowing you to insert/extract from those inventory-like devices. Right clicking on a storage bus will bring up a UI in which one can specifiy which items will be stored by this storage bus, essentially acting as a filter of sorts. ExtractingSince orthe inserting items into a network thatinventory is usingtreated as a storagemedium busto for a particularhold item, will essentially treat the inventory-like device as a storage cell, forone thatcould itemtheoretically (evenhave ifa thedrive-less ME network hasand nouse pure storage cells)buses instead. ThisStorage buses can be very useful in instances where an upgraded barrel (or a super chest) can hold more of a single item than a storage cell ever could.
Furthermore, connecting a storage bus to an ME Interface will expose the contents of the network connected to that Interface to the network connected to the storage bus. In other words, if Network A has a storage bus and Network B has an ME Interface, connecting Network A's storage bus to Network B's interface allows Network A to see and interact with all items stored in Network B. This interaction is not two-way. In the aforementioned scenario, A can see the contents of B, but B does not see the contents of A. This allows one to create subnetworks.
