Automation Systems: Difference between revisions

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= GT pipes and conveyors/pumps =
More advanced automation. Conveyors and pumps pull or push items/fluids, with rates increasing by tier. Fluid pipes try to divide flows evenly, but can suffer from backflow issues. Multi-pipes available with fluid filter covers allowing specific fluids into or out of each pipe. Item pipes route item to nearest-allowed-destination based on distance. Smaller pipes are automatically given a longer distance. Simple filtering possible with locked barrels. Transfers until receiver is full. Can be used for dedicated setups, ie compressing and centrifuging air, oil desulfuring and mixing to max diesel, etc. Automation is a pull-based system - you pull something out at the end, and the ingredients slowly percolate to the start. Can be upgraded to be redstone controlled. GT item filters and chest buffers can be used with other systems to do type filtering or providing specified amounts of items.
= Translocators =