Beginner Tips: Difference between revisions

→‎Base building: Anything anyone does in this pack will revolve around GT in one way or another, so I felt it necessary to underline how important it is to understand how electricity works in GT
(→‎Base building: Anything anyone does in this pack will revolve around GT in one way or another, so I felt it necessary to underline how important it is to understand how electricity works in GT)
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When building your base, there are a couple of primary concerns:
* Chunk boundaries: Don't ever build a multi-block machine across chunk boundaries.
* Take a look over on <nowiki></nowiki> for a general overview on GT electricity. For the purposes of being "safe", <nowiki>'''</nowiki>never,<nowiki>'''</nowiki> <nowiki>'''</nowiki>ever<nowiki>'''</nowiki> over-volt your machines or your cables. Over-volting machines result in explosions, and over-volting/over-amping your cables and wires result in fires, which in turn may lead to more explosions. This not only applies to cables and machines, but also to energy and dynamo hatches. Plan your machine layout and designs thoroughly (preferably in single-player first!).
* Certain multiblocks have their own set of rules, some of which may not be fully documented in the tooltip shown in NEI. Following the multiblock's rules could save you from an explosion. For every new multiblock you build, it is best to either check this wiki for documentation on how that multiblock works, look it up on the ftb gamepedia page, or ask the friendly people over on the Discord help channel.
* Cover your machines: Rain on or next to a GT machine will cause it to explode. Be careful when setting up machines away from your base - don't forget to cover them up!
* Spread apart: GT power generation and smelting will generate pollution. Mostly it's not enough to matter, but when you have multiple blast furnaces operating continuously it can really build up. Put them a chunk or two away from the rest of your production and/or house unless you like wearing hazmat suits. Worst pollution sources are EBF, Pyrolyse Oven, Implosion Compressor.
