Clipboard is an item added by BiblioCraft that can be used to make task lists or keep notes. Each clipboard has up to 50 available pages with nine lines and a title. Right-click with the clipboard in hand to open its GUI. Arrow buttons at the bottom allow scrolling through available pages. Each box on the left can be set to a green check, red X, or blank by left-clicking to cycle through the options. Click on a line to place the cursor for typing. The arrow keys can also be used to navigate text.

Icon of a cream colored sheet of paper with illegible grey text, attached to a brown rectangle with a grey clip a the top.
A list of metals with green checkmarks or red X's on the left of each line. The top title says "No gas, C.1".
Clipboard GUI

Shift+right-click on the side of a solid block to place a Clipboard in the world. Placed clipboards can be retrieved with Shift+right-click with an empty hand, or broken with any tool, retaining their data in either case. While placed clipboards can be interacted with, with right-click. Text cannot be entered while a clipboard is placed in-game, but the checkbox and pages buttons are active. Clipboards can also be placed on BiblioCraft Desks, and interacted with Right-click / Shift+right-click.