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This page describes the suggested Java Code Style for the development of GTNH.
== Introduction ==
Code conventions are important for a number of reasons:
==== Why Have Code Conventions? ====
Code conventions are important to programmers for a number of reasons:
* For a piece of software, the vast majority of lifetime-cost goes to maintenance.
* Code is read more often than it's written.
* We have many developers working on the modpack. Consistent code style makes sharedthe ownershipdevelopment easier.
* Code conventions improve the readability, allowing engineersdevelopers to understand newPull codeRequests quicker and better.
The purpose of this Code Style is to provide a set of conventions that encourage good code.
==== Before you start ====
This is intended to be a living document to be updated as the needs of the team change and as new language features are introduced.
Always practice good judgement. If following the guide causes unnecessary hoop-jumping or less-readable code, then readability trumps the guide. However, if the more "readable" variant comes with perils or pitfalls, then readability may be sacrificed.
The intention of this guide is to provide a set of conventions that encourage good code. It is the distillation of many combined man-years of software engineering and Java development experience.
In general, much of this Code Style is a summary of the [ Code Conventions for the Java Programming Language]. Other good references are [ Google's Java Style Guide] and [ Twitter's Java Style Guide].
While some suggestions are more strict than others, you should always practice good judgement.
If following the guide causes unnecessary hoop-jumping or otherwise less-readable code, readability trumps the guide. However, if the more 'readable' variant comes with perils or pitfalls, readability may be sacrificed.
In general, much of our style and conventions mirror the [ Code Conventions for the Java Programming Language]. Other good references are [ Google's Java Style Guide] and [ Twitter's Java Style Guide].
==== Recommended Reading ====
Good books for code style and conventions:
* [ Clean Code] by Robert Martin,
* [ Effective Java] by Joshua Bloch.
== Spotless ==
GTNH uses [ Spotless] to check line wrapping, spacing, and indentation.
== File Organization ==
A file consists of sections that should be separated by blank lines and an optional comment identifying each section. Files longer than 2000 lines are cumbersome and should be avoided.
==== Java Source Files ====
Each Java source file contains a single public class or interface. When private classes and interfaces are associated with a public class, you can put them in the same source file as the public class. The public class should be the first class or interface in the file.
Java source files have the following ordering:
* Beginning comments
* Package and Import statements
* Class and interface declaration(s)
==== Beginning Comments ====
Classes/Interfaces should be named well and in packages that provide context so a comment at the beginning of files giving a description of the class/interface is not needed.
==== Package and Import Statements ====
The first non-comment line of most Java source files is a package statement. After that, import statements can follow. For example:
package java.awt;
import java.awt.peer.CanvasPeer;
Imports should have separate section for java and javax, and mixed static (see below) and regular imports.
As a result, the import part would look as follows:
import all other regular or static imports
import javax.package.names
import java.package.names
==== Class and Interface Declarations ====
The following table describes the parts of a class or interface declaration, in the order that they should appear.
Line 72 ⟶ 38:
| 3 || Class/interface implementation comment (/*...*/) || Optional. This comment should contain any class-wide or interface-wide information that wasn't appropriate for the class/interface documentation comment.
| 4 || Class <code>static</code> variables || First the <code>public</code> class variables, then the <code>protected</code>, then package level (no access modifier), and then the <code>private</code>.
| 5 || Instance variables || First <code>public</code>, then <code>protected</code>, then package level (no access modifier), and then <code>private</code>.
Line 78 ⟶ 44:
| 6 || Constructors ||
| 7 || Methods || TheseThe methods should be grouped by functionality rather than by scope or accessibility. For example, a private
class method can be in between two public instance methods. The goal is to make reading and understanding the code easier.
== Indentation ==
Four spaces should be used as the unit of indentation.
==== Line Length ====
Avoid lines longer than 120 characters, since they're not handled well by many terminals and tools.
GTNH Code Style overrides the Sun line length of 80 characters.
== Comments ==
* Usually, code should not be commented out – delete it instead. If the code needed again, it will be available in the Git history.
Java programs can have two kinds of comments: implementation comments and documentation (doc) comments.
* Avoid any comments that are likely to get out of date as the code evolves.
* The frequency of comments ''sometimes'' reflects poor quality of code. When you feel compelled to add a comment, consider rewriting the code to make it clearer.
Implementation comments are meant for comments about the particular implementation.
* Comments should not be enclosed in large boxes of asterisks or other characters.
Doc comments are meant to describe the specification of the code, from an implementation-free perspective.
To be read by developers who might not necessarily have the source code at hand.
Comments should be used to give overviews of code and provide additional information that is not readily available in the code itself. Comments should contain only information that is relevant to reading and understanding the program.
For example, information about how the corresponding package is built or in what directory it resides should not be included as a comment.
Discussion of nontrivial or non-obvious design decisions is appropriate, but avoid duplicating information that is present in (and clear from) the code.
It is too easy for redundant comments to get out of date.
In general, avoid any comments that are likely to get out of date as the code evolves.
The frequency of comments ''sometimes'' reflects poor quality of code.
When you feel compelled to add a comment, consider rewriting the code to make it clearer.
Comments should not be enclosed in large boxes drawn with asterisks or other characters.
Comments should never include special characters such as form-feed and backspace.
Code should not be commented out: delete the code instead.
It will be available from the Git history if it is needed in the future.
==== Implementation Comment Formats ====
Programs can have four styles of implementation comments: block, single-line, trailing, and end-of-line.
===== Block Comments =====
Block comments are used to provide descriptions of files, methods, data structures and algorithms.
Block comments may be used at the beginning of each file and before each method.
They can also be used in other places, such as within methods.
Block comments inside a function or method should be indented to the same level as the code they describe.
A block comment should be preceded by a blank line to set it apart from the rest of the code.
==== Comment Styles ====
A single-line comment can use a double-slash notation:
* Here is a block comment.
===== Single-Line Comments =====
Short comments can appear on a single line indented to the level of the code that follows.
If a comment can't be written in a single line, it should follow the block comment format.
Here's an example of a single-line comment:
if (condition) {
/* Handle the condition. */
===== Trailing Comments =====
Very short comments can appear on the same line as the code they describe but should be shifted far enough to separate them from the statements.
If more than one short comment appears in a chunk of code, they should all be indented to the same tab setting.
Here's an example of a trailing comment:
if (a == 2) {
return TRUE; /* special case */
} else {
return isPrime(a); /* works only for odd a */
===== End-Of-Line Comments =====
The <code>//</code> comment delimiter can comment out a complete line or only a partial line.
It shouldn't be used on consecutive multiple lines for text comments.
Usage examples:
if (foo > 1) {
// Do a double-flip.
return bar.performDoubleFlip();
} else {
return false; // Explain why here.
If the comment spans multiple lines, then convert it to a block-comment:
==== Documentation Comments ====
For further details, see [ How to Write Doc Comments for Javadoc] which includes information on the doc comment tags @return, @param, and @see.
Doc comments describe Java classes, interfaces, constructors, methods, and fields.
* Here is a block comment.
Each doc comment is set inside the comment delimiters <code>/**...*/</code>, with one comment per class, interface, or member.
This comment should appear just before the declaration:
* The ShinyBlock class provides the functionality ...
public class ShinyBlock { ...
Note that top-level classes and interfaces are not indented, but their members are.
The first line of doc comment <code>/**</code> for classes and interfaces is not indented, but subsequent doc comment lines each have 1 space of indentation to vertically align the asterisks.
Members, including constructors, have 4 spaces for the first doc comment line and 5 spaces thereafter.
If you need to give information about a class, interface, variable, or method that isn't appropriate for documentation, use an implementation block comment or single-line comment immediately after the declaration.
For example, details about the implementation of a class should go in in such an implementation block comment following the class statement, not in the class doc comment.
Doc comments should not be positioned inside a method or constructor definition block because Java associates documentation comments with the first declaration after the comment.
==== Authorship ====
Usage of @author tag is neither required, nor prohibited.
Keep in mind that version control system already has the always up-to-date information about the people who worked on a given piece of code.
==== Deprecation ====
If you the <code>@deprecated</code> javadoc annotation, you must provide a comment, pointing the readers of code to the solution they should be using instead.
See also an official [ guide] on deprecation.
Please note that the <code>@Deprecated</code> annotation should always be present if the <code>@deprecated</code> javadoc tag is present, and vice-versa.
== Declarations ==
==== Number Per Line ====
One declaration per line is recommended since it encourages commenting.
int level; // indentation level
int size; // size of table
Multiple declarations per line can be the best course of action only of the variables are strongly connected. For instance, if they are 3D coordinates:
Line 219 ⟶ 87:
int foo, fooarray[]; // AVOID!
Note: The examples above use one space between the type and the identifier. Another acceptable alternative is to use tabs:
int level; // indentation level
int size; // size of table
Object currentEntry; // currently selected table entry
Line 234 ⟶ 95:
==== Placement ====
Put declarations only at the beginning of blocks. A block is any code surrounded by curly braces "{" and "}".
Don't wait to declare variables until theirthe first use -- it can confuse the unwary programmer and hamper code portability within the scope.
void myMethod() {
Line 244 ⟶ 105:
The one exception to the rule is indexes of for loops, which in Java can be declared in the <code>for</code> statement:
for (int i = 0; i < maxLoops; i++) { ... }
Avoid local declarations that hide declarations at higher levels.
For example, do not declare the same variable name in an inner block:
int count;
myMethod() {
if (condition) {
int count = 0;
== Statements ==
==== Simple Statements ====
Each line should contain at most one statement. For example:
argv++; // Correct
argc--; // Correct
argv++; argc--; // AVOID!
==== Compound Statements ====
Compound statements are statements that contain lists of statements enclosed in braces <code>{ statements; }</code>.
See the following sections for examples.
* The enclosed statements should be indented one more level than the compound statement.
* Open curly braces stay on the same line when statement fits there, otherwise moved to the separate line; the closing brace should begin a line and be indented to the same level as the beginning of the compound statement.
GTNH style overrides the Sun style which states: "The opening brace should be at the end of the line that begins the compound statement; the closing brace should begin a line and be indented to the beginning of the compound statement."
==== return Statements ====
A <code>return</code> statement with a value should not use parentheses unless they make the return value more obvious in some way. For example:
return myDisk.size();
return (size ? size : defaultSize);
==== if, for, while Statements ====
The <code>if/for/while</code> code blocks should always be enclosed by curly braces. For simple single-line statements without <code>else/else-if</code>, the curly braces can be omitted.
==== switch Statements ====
AIt <code>switch</code>is statementsuggested shouldto haveuse the following form:
switch (condition) {
case ABC:, DEF, KLM -> {
/* falls through */
case DEF:XYZ -> {
default -> {
case KLM:
case XYZ:
To use it, enable modern java syntax as [ shown] in the ExampleMod.
<code>case</code> is indented on the same level as <code>switch</code>.
Do not write unnecessary <code>break</code> and <code>default</code> when they can be avoided.
Every time a case has falls through (doesn't include a break statement), add a comment where the break statement would normally be. This is shown in the preceding code example with the /* falls through */ comment.
Comment can be left off if there are no statements in the case that falls through.
GTNH Style overrides Sun's to not require break's or default when avoidable. The Sun guide states: "Every switch statement should include a default case. The break in the default case is redundant, but it prevents a fall-through error if later another case
is added."
== White Space ==
==== Blank Lines ====
One blank line should be used in the following circumstances:
* Between method declarations,
* Between the local variables in a method and its first statement,
* Before a block or single-line comment
* Between logical sections inside a method to improve readability.
==== Blank Spaces ====
Blank spaces should be used in the following circumstances:
1. A keyword followed by a parenthesis should be separated by a space. For example:
while (true) {
Note that a blank space should not be used between a method name and its opening parenthesis.
This helps to distinguish keywords from method calls.
2. A blank space should appear after commas in argument lists.
3. All binary operators except "." should be separated from their operands by spaces.
Blank spaces should never separate unary operators such as unary minus, increment ("++"), and decrement ("--") from their operands. Example:
a += c + d;
a = (a + b) / (c * d);
while (d++ == s++) {
printSize("size is " + foo + "\n");
4. The expressions in a for statement should be separated by spaces. Example:
for (expr1; expr2; expr3)
Casts should be followed by a blank space. Examples:
myMethod((byte) aNum, (Object) x);
myMethod((int) (cp + 5), ((int) (i + 3)) + 1);
== Naming ==
Below is the table about most important naming conventions in the GTNH pack for the new code:
Naming conventions make programs more understandable by making them easier to read.
They can also give information about the function of the identifier. For example, whether it's a constant, package, or class-which can be helpful in understanding the code.
{| class="wikitable"
! Identifier type !! Rules for Naming !! Examples
| Packages
| The prefix of a unique package name is always written in all-lowercase ASCII letters and should be one of the top-level domain names, currently com, edu, gov, mil, net, org.
Subsequent components of the package name vary according to a GTNH internal naming conventions. (This generic description needs to be updated to the actual GTNH-one)
| com.sun.eng
| Classes
Line 400 ⟶ 139:
| Interfaces
| Interface names should be capitalized like class names. Do not use the "I" notation. For example, instead of IStorage, use Storage.
| interface RasterDelegate;
interface Storing;
Line 407 ⟶ 146:
| Methods should be verbs, in mixed case with the first letter lowercase, with the first letter of each internal word capitalized.
| run();
| Test Methods
| Test Methods (methods in JUnit test classes annotated with @Test) can use one of the following styles:
* Classic style of 'test' followed by method name being tested and behavior using camel case.
* Test That style - naming methods starting with 'testThat' followed by the behavior being validated.
* Behavior-driven vocabulary with parts separated by underscores: methodName_StateUnderTest_ExpectedBehavior.
| testGetAccount();
| Variables
| Variables should be named as mixed case with a lowercase first letter. Internal words start with capital letters.
Variable names should always start with an alphabetic character not underscore _ or dollar sign $.
Variable names should be short yet meaningful. The choice of a variable name should be mnemonic - that is, designed to indicate to the casual observer the intent of its use.
| String currentAccountKey;
One-character variable names should be avoided except for throwaway variables such as loop counters.
| int i;
== GTNH-specific ==
String currentAccountKey;
==== Log formatting ====
For uniformity, most of log messages should use one write-call per line.
float myWidth;
One-sentence messages should not be capitalized. If there is more than one sentence, then capitalize.
| Constants
| The names of variables declared as class constants and of ANSI constants should be all uppercase with words separated by underscores
("_"). ANSI constants should be avoided, for ease of debugging.
| static final int MIN_WIDTH = 4;
static final int MAX_WIDTH = 999;
static final int GET_THE_CPU = 1;
== Programming Practices ==
Line 452 ⟶ 165:
Don't make any instance or class variable <code>public</code> without good reason.
Often instance variables are set or obtained as a side effect of method calls instead of being accessed directly.
==== Referring to Class Variables and Methods ====
Avoid using an object to access a class (static) variable or method. Use a class name instead. For example:
classMethod(); // OK
AClass.classMethod(); // OK
anObject.classMethod(); // AVOID!
==== Constants ====
Numerical constants (literals)Constants should not be coded directly,. exceptPlease foruse -1, 0, and 1, which can appear in a for loop as counter values. Wellwell-named constants should be used instead.
For example, instead of <code>methodName(16281)</code>, the following is advised:
Line 469 ⟶ 173:
int CONSTANT_NAME = 16281;
Line 477 ⟶ 181:
fooBar.fChar = barFoo.lchar = 'c'; // AVOID!
Do not use the assignment operator in a place where it can be easily confused with the equality operator. Example:
if (c++ = d++) { // AVOID! (Java disallows)
// should be written as
if (c = d++) != 0) {
Do not use embedded assignments in an attempt to improve run-time performance. This is the job of the compiler. Example:
d = (a = b + c) + r; // AVOID!
// should be written as
a = b + c;
d = a + r;
Line 519 ⟶ 202:
if ((a == b) && (c == d)) // OK
if (a == b && c == d) // AVOID!
if ((a == b) && (c == d)) // RIGHT
==== Returning Values ====
Try to make the structure of your program match the intent. Example:
if (booleanExpression) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
// should instead be written as
return booleanExpression;
if (condition) {
return x;
return y;
//should be written as
return (condition ? x : y);
==== Ternary Operator ====
If an expression containing a binary operator appears before the ? in the ternary ?: operator, it should be parenthesized. Example:
(x >= 0) ? x : -x;
Here are three acceptable ways to format ternary expressions:
// Single line
alpha = (aLongBooleanExpression) ? beta : gamma;
// 2 lines with values lined up
alpha = (aLongBooleanExpression) ? beta
: gamma;
//Multi-line with values lined up under condition
alpha = (aLongBooleanExpression)
? beta
: gamma;
==== Special Comments ====
Use the <code>XXX</code> in a comment to flag something that is bogus but works.
Use <code>FIXME</code> to flag something that is bogus and broken.
==== stream API ====
Each <code>map, filter, flatMap, collect,</code> etc. method call should be placed on a new line.
==== lambda Expressions ====
The simplest presentation should be used for lambda expressions:
.forEach(item -> System.out.println(item)); // not correct
.forEach(System.out::println); // correct
.forEach(i -> { // not correct
.forEach(i -> i.doSomething()); //correct
==== Inner Classes ====
The following rule is applied to the inner classes
# All inner classes should be placed in the end of the file by default
# The exception of the rule one could be used when:
## Inner class definition does not exceed 30 lines of code and
## The definitions of the methods that call inner class immediately follow after the inner class definition and take not more than 60 lines altogether.
==== Methods ====
The methods should be formatted in the following way:
1. When method declaration fits in 120 characters it should be written in single line:
public static String concat(@FunctionParameterName("value1")Any s1, @FunctionParameterName("value2")Any s2) {
return s1.getValue() + s2.getValue();
2. When method is longer it should spread multiple lines with each line is no longer 120 characters.
Line breaks should made after the coma or between annotations.
It is recommended to minimize the number of lines by making lines as long as possible.
public static int countTradingDays(CoreApi core, @FunctionParameterName("fromDate")int fromDate,
@FunctionParameterName("toDate")int toDate)
==== Formatting by Spotless ====
GTNH uses [ Spotless] to check line wrapping, spacing, and indentation.