GT++ Multiblocks: Difference between revisions

efficiency edit
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Around the time a player unlocks the GT++ multiblocks, it is in his or her favor to build one of these multiblocks because of their spike in efficiency and speed compared to PA's around the IV/LuV tiers. Once a player hits ZPM or UV, however, it might be better to recalculate their desired operations per second because it might be more space and power efficient to switch over to a PA.
== How to Get More Performance ==
Just like a PA can be optimized to use all of its input voltage (via higher tier machines), so can a GT++ multiblock.
Here's an example:
Ore processing is 2 eu/t at 20s.
The maceration stack is 60% faster, no eu discount, 8 operations per tier.
Let's say we have an HV maceration stack. This means it will do 24 operations simulaneously with a base recipe of:
48 eu/t at 12.5s, mv tier
192 eu/t at 6.25, hv tier
So it does 24 operations every 6.25s or 3.84 ores/s.
You'll notice it only eats 192 eu/t, far from the given input of 512 eu/t. We can actually make it eat more voltage at HV tier by doing the following:
Instead of feeding the maceration stack 24 ores, feed it 16 ores. This will make it so the base recipe is now:
32 eu/t at 12.5s, lv tier
128 eu/t at 6.25s, mv tier
512 eu/t at 3.125s, hv tier
So it does 16 operations every 3.125s or 5.12 ores/s.
If you noticed, I forced the base recipe to be 1 tier lower than usual by lowering the amount of items I fed it. This forced an additional overclock, making it faster than the "default" HV rate.
This is actually possible to do right now. By rate limiting the amount of input your GT++ machines take (via something like SFM), the GT++ multi can make the most out of your amp.
This is based off the idea that: if the number of parallel operations at your current tier is not DOUBLE the previous tier's number of parallel operations, then it's better to force a GT overclock (via underfeeding) from the previous tier rather than use the increased number of parallel operations at your current tier (since, in general for all gt++ machines, the number of parallel operations per tier increases linearly not exponentially, so you'll run into this case quite often for almost all the machines)
