Good Practices With AE: Difference between revisions

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m another typo
m Suggesting Wireless connectors for longer distances is stupid unless you have a creative energy cell, added it to point that out
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* You should prefer using AE drives instead of the chests + storage buses combo: the hashs of the items are precalculated in the AE storage cells. It does not make any noticeable difference for items without NBTs, but will make a difference for items with NBTs
* Always prefer teleporting the AE network instead of pulling long cables.
* If you don't need interdim teleportation of your AE network, prefer using the wireless connectors, they are less laggy. (warning: they consume more than the quantum ring, viable once you obtained a neutronium energy cell)
* If you need to teleport more than 32 channels to a destination, use a subnetwork with P2P, and then teleport the subnetwork
* If you want to use extracells' fluid input/output buses, don't use acceleration cards, that makes it laggy as hell.