Good Practices With AE: Difference between revisions

added the oredictionnary export bus advice
m (Suggesting Wireless connectors for longer distances is stupid unless you have a creative energy cell, added it to point that out)
m (added the oredictionnary export bus advice)
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* If you want to use extracells' fluid input/output buses, don't use acceleration cards, that makes it laggy as hell.
* The time of your 1st opening of your AE storage is proportional to the amount of itemstacks and NBT you have inside of it. To reduce it, get rid of the item types with low amount and with heavy NBTs.
* in the version of the pack, If you use an oredictionnary export bus and the wildcard (*) in your expression, make sure to avoid multiple oredict prefixes matching your expression, it generates a lot of lags. For exemple, "ore*" is matching the following list:
** "ore*"
** "oreCrushed*"
** "oreCrushedPurified*"
** "oreCrushedCentrifuged*"
** "oreAny*",
** "oreNetherrack*",
** "oreNetherrackAny*"
** "oreEndstone*"
** "oreEndstoneAny*"
** "oreBlackGranite*"
** "oreBlackGraniteAny*"
** "oreRedGranite*"
** "oreRedGraniteAny*"
** "oreMarble*"
** "oreMarbleAny*"
** "oreBasalt*"
** "oreBasaltAny*"