Good Practices With AE: Difference between revisions

m (added the oredictionnary export bus advice)
m (typo)
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Here are some good practices to respect when building your AE network:
* Always put the highest multiple of a recipe if you can, as it reduces queries for AE. Exemple: you want to automate the craft of 1 iron dust from 1 iron ingot. Automating it like that will make 64 queries if you want a stack of it. automatingAutomating 64 iron dusts from 64 iron ingots will only make 1 querry if you want a stack of it.
* Always prefer the recipes without reusable items if you can: it impacts server tps because it needs to calculate if it can reuse the tools after each querry Exemple: you should aim for the assembler recipe of the machine casing instead of the crafting grid recipe.
* If you can, avoid using subnetworks for storage: This is a good way to trigger a lot of updates at once if you do it. (famous exemple of laggy storage subnetwork is the Super Soaryn Drive)
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** "oreCrushedPurified*"
** "oreCrushedCentrifuged*"
** "oreAny*",
** "oreNetherrack*",
** "oreNetherrackAny*"
** "oreEndstone*"