Kinetic Generator: Difference between revisions

Added data about Rotors
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(Added data about Rotors)
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Rotors: Iridium Rotors are what you are going for eventually: Unbreakable and most energy produced (these are 10x10) Until you get enough Iridum, Vibrant Alloy is the next best, and fairly cheap. They are 9x9, produce around 80% of the Iridium rotors, and last for around 300 hours (2 weeks, give or take) each.
Space: This is also a tricky one: Of course you need the space for rotor free, filled with water, a 11x11 box of water for maximum output (The power output scales linearily to % of rotor blocks covered, so just fill the whole thing)
Other kinetic gens also block the generators from working: Each kinetic gen (For iridium rotors) requires a 21x21x161 box without any other kinetic generators in them: This is HUGE depth-wise, so the most efficient way to have multiple generators is to stack them horizontally and vertically, every 11 blocks (The areas can overlap).
=== Power Generation ===
Kinetic Wind/Water Generators output KU, Kinetic Units. These are converted into EU by a Kinetic Generator, which is placed directly behind the Kinetic Wind/Water generator, at a ratio of 4:1, so 1 EU for every 4 KU. Higher tier Kinetic Wind/Water Generators from the Compact Kinetic Wind and Water Generators Mod quadruple the KU output for every tier above the default IC2 machines.
==== Example ====
An IC2 (HV-Tier) wind generator is used with an Energetic Alloy Rotor at 55.08 MCW wind strength, producing 2462 KU. The Kinetic Generator behind it outputs 615.5 EU/t
( 55.08 MCW * 44.75 (Rotor Efficiency) ) / 4 = 615.5 EU
=== Rotor Stats ===
Make an IC2 Wind Meter to see wind strength at your current position. Wind strengths of 30-70 seem common. Wind strength is highest at Y 160, gradually decreasing further up and down until there is no wind at Y 64 and Y 255<ref></ref>.
{| class="wikitable"
|+Rotor Stats (Wind Kinetic Usage)
in Days
|10 800
|86 400
|172 800
|Energetic Alloy
|512 000
|604 800
|809 600
|Vibrant Alloy
|1 600 000
Min and Max Rotor stats in MCW. Efficiency is KU generated per MCW wind strength. Days until break assumes unchanged durability consumption from vanilla IC2. Data from GTNH
