Long Distance Transport

So you want to get an item from point A to point B? And those 2 points are a million blocks away? Great! this page will cover your options based on tier and go over some pros and cons of each.

Various options for long distance transport

LV Options

Long Distance Fluid Pipeline (Fluids)

  • The in game quest does a good job of going over the basics and how to use, you'll probably use this to connect oil pumps to your base in the early game
  • Only requires steel, but depending on how far you need to go it can add up
  • You need two Long Distance Fluid Pipeline blocks and however many Long distance Fluid Pipeline Pipes you need to connect them.
  • They must be at least 64 blocks apart(Unclear if this counts vertical distance)
  • Important the pipes have two recipes, the crafting table recipe makes each pipe cost ~0.5 steel while the assembler only makes each one cost ~0.3 steel. You are highly incentivized to use the assembler recipe since it only costs 1 ingot of tin.
  • To get a good lower bound on how many blocks you'll need you can go to this calculator select 3D, and put in your start and end coordinates, Multiply that by 0.3(or 0.5 if you're being silly) to get a lower bound of how much steel you'll need(You'll need a bit more since each pipe costs a hair over 0.3 steel). This assumes you don't take any unnecessary turns when connecting the two ends.
  • Needs external chunk loading, but only the ends not the entire thing.

Long Distance Item Pipeline (Items)

  • Everything about the fluid version applies
  • The cost is different since the recipe calls for tin pipes and not steel pipes, but the assembler recipe is still much much better

MV & HV & EV Options

I don't think there you get any additional options in these tiers. There might be some obscure magic option with limited functionality.

HV: Vanilla Ender Chest (Items)

  • The crafting recipe has been removed, but they can still spawn in HEE structures in the end, only has the single inventory, so needs some filtering on either end if the connections is not 1-1

IV Options

In IV your options really open up, I'll go through the options along with the pros and cons

Ender Chest and Ender Pouch (Items)


  • I/O speed only limited by how fast you can put stuff in and out
  • Ender pouch allows access from anywhere, if you hook a chest up to your ME system you can use the pouch to insert items from anywhere, allowing for Very long trips away from home without having to bring a ton of backpacks.
  • Works between dimensions
  • Multiple channels


  • Needs chunk loading
  • Needs Thaumcraft progression(Research and 100Vis capacity for a wand)

Ender Tank (Fluids)


  • I/O speed only limited by how fast you can put stuff in and out
  • Works between dimensions
  • Multiple channels


  • Needs chunk loading
  • Needs Thaumcraft progression(Research and 100Vis capacity for a wand)

Dimensional Transceiver (Items and Fluids)

Note, the item sending and receiving has a filter that defaults to a whitelist, so it needs to be configured before use


  • Can Transfer both fluids and items
  • Very configurable
  • Separate fluid and item channels
  • Works between dimensions


  • Haven't tested the chunk loading
  • Needs to be powered, and has an upkeep cost, Unsure about the exact amounts since its in RF
  • Needs some Ender IO progression

Linked Input Bus (Items)


  • Easy parallelization between Gregtech multiblocks
  • Multiple channels


  • Does Not work between dimensions

LuV+ options

Ender Fluid Link Cover


  • Easy parallelization between Gregtech multiblocks
  • Multiple channels
  • Works between dimensions


  • limited I/O questbook says 8000L/t
  • Expensive, requiring LuV components instead of IV
  • Needs chunkloading