Oil Cracking Unit: Difference between revisions

(a quick writeup of oil cracking unit, what it does, and how to make one)
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== Why Build One? ==
As previously stated, the main advantage of having an oil cracking unit is for the 100% cracking efficiency that a chemical reactor cannot achieve. Oil Cracking Unit recipes are generally higher tier, in terms of voltage, than its chemical reactor recipe counterpart, but in terms of speed, when comparing recipes to the chemical reactor, one can see that the Oil Cracking Unit recipes are generally equivalent to standard GT overclock of 4x energy/2x speed, so it is not anymore efficient than a chemical reactor in terms of energy cost and speed (it is, however, still more efficient in terms of how much output liquid you get). For example, Severely Steam-Cracked Butane is a 30 eu/t, 16 second recipe. The Oil Cracking Unit recipe is a 480 eu/t, 4 second recipe. The same generally applies for most other hydrocarbon cracking recipes.
