Open Computers Crop Breeding: Difference between revisions

Changed tearstalks --> Salty root
(Complete revamp of the OC code and this page.)
m (Changed tearstalks --> Salty root)
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==Building the Robot==
1. Insert the computer case into the OC Electronics Assembler which can be powered directly by any GT cable <br>2. Shift-click all of the parts into the computer case except the OpenOS floppy disk <br>3. Click assemble and wait until it completes <br>4. Rename the robot in an anvil <br>5. Place the robot down on the OC Charger which can also be powered directly by any GT cable <br>6. Insert the OpenOS floppy disk in the disk slot of the robot and press the power button <br>7. Follow the commands on the screen "install" --> "Y" --> "Y" (Note: The OpenOS floppy disk is no longer needed in the robot afterwards) <br>8. Copy the following line of code into the robot (middle-click to paste) and hit enter:
[[File:Robot_Inventory.png|thumb|Inventory of the robot.]]9. Install the rest of the scripts by entering:
10. Edit the config (not recommended, but check it out) by entering:
''edit config.lua''
11. Place the Spade and Transvector Binder into the last and second to last slot of the robot, respectively. Crop sticks will go in the third, but it is not required to put them in yourself. An axe or mattock can also be placed into the tool slot of the robot (optional) to speed up destroying crops. See image to the right.
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The first program is autoTier. This will automatically tier-up your crops, terminating once the max breeding round is reached (configurable) or the storage farm is full. A storage chest is recommended for this program. Note that unrecognized crops will be moved to the storage farm first before replacing any of the lower tier crops in the working farm. Statting-up crops during this program is a configurable option. To run, simply enter:
The second program is autoStat. This will automatically stat-up your crops, terminating once Gr + Ga - Re is at least 52 (configurable) for all crops on the working farm. A trash can is recommended for this program. Maximum growth and resistance are also configurable options which default to 21 and 2, respectively. To run, simply enter:
The third program is autoSpread. This will automatically spread (duplicate) your crops if each new Gr + Ga - Re is at least 46 (configurable), terminating once the storage farm is full. A trash can is recommended for this program. Maximum growth and resistance are also configurable options which default to 21 and 2, respectively. To run, simply enter:
Fire and Forget. If you have brand new crops (ie. 1/1/1 spruce saplings) and want to automatically stat-up and start spreading:
''autoStat && autoSpread''
==Other Helpful Commands==
To list all of the files installed on the robot, enter
To remove any one file installed on the robot, enter
''rm <filename>''
To uninstall all of the files from this repo, enter
==Recommended Crops==
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*'''Rape for seed oil'''
*'''Goldfish plant for fish oil'''
*'''TearstalksSalty Root for ghast tearssalt (chlorine and sodium hydroxide)'''
*'''Enderbloom for enderpearls/endereyes'''
*'''Diareed for diamonds'''
