Pollution revamp visions: Difference between revisions

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Please add a description of your vision for what you want pollution to be. These are not considered final, but rather something we can vote on to get a direction on where we want to be heading with this revamp.
== Elisis' vision ==
=== Mission Statement ===
To turn pollution into less of an "Oh, that's annoying" and more of a "Oh, that's actually really cool" sort of deal. Pollution as it is now is far too tedious with zero reason to be.
=== Key solutions ===
* Make high pollution effects mostly cosmetic.
* Maintain ''beneficial'' effects at low pollution levels. This could include:
** Increased crop yields
** Increased machine efficiency
** Improvements on existing Thaumcraft nodes
** Increased passive generation rates (i.e. solar, water tank siding)
=== Explanation ===
* Cosmetic effects: Many of the current effects are simply painful and not really in the spirit of the pack. Why should you need to wear a hazmat suit everywhere just to look at your shiny new factory? Instead, there should be such effects as sun light levels decreasing, and other minor aesthetic changes.
* Beneficial effects: To regain some of the results of the current punitive functionality, players should be encouraged to seek lower pollution levels with benefits involved in doing so. This can also make it more likely for a player to actually enable the mechanic rather than keeping it disabled, in order to reap the benefits. Currently, many just disable pollution due to the pure annoyance. Pollution should be a mechanic that, while you can ignore it and still have a perfectly fine playing experience, still offers something good to players with it enabled, if they are willing to put in enough effort in reducing levels.
==Lafe's vision==
