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Usage: Solar panels can be placed as a cover on a GT machine, battery buffer or even machine hull or crafted into a standalone solar panel block. Cover-type solars need periodic cleaning by right-clicking with empty hand while having a bucket of water in your inventory (can be done by golems), solar panel blocks lack this disadvantage.
Thaumcraft offers an option to make compressed solar panels. These take 8 panels of the previous tier to produce 10 times more power, so even if recipes become exponentially more expensive there's a bit of advantage. Octuple compressed solar panels can produce 100,000,000 EU/t, which is almost 200 times more than a UV solar panel. Moreover, there are infused versions of compressed solars which produce even more power under certain conditions. For example, octuple aqua infused solar can produce up to 600,000,000 EU/t while in thunderstorm. These also have the added bonus of being very TPS efficient, which is very important late game.
Starting from triple onwards, it will require infusion. Read the [https://gtnh.miraheze.org/wiki/Infusion_Automation Infusion automation guide] for help on automating these solars. The maximum tier is 8 (Octuple), and requires 16777216 1 volt solars. A [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1E6J7cFoaiCGYgUb96yl7WkCTqdtDRGdOm-OTR4Zn3kA spreadsheet] has been made to list all items needed to create an UV Solar Panel and an Octuple Compressed Solar.
== Magic generators ==
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Warning: XL Plasma turbine is changed significantly in the current dev version, with harsh penalties being applied to plasmas with low energy density that run through good turbine blades. The latest version that is confirmed not to contain this change is 2.3.3.
== CompressedDyson SolarsSwarm ==
Compressed Solars are the ultimate endgame power generation. They are compressed, and as such have exponentially expensive recipes. They are also TC-gated, and require tons of essentia. In exchange, they produce insane amounts of power, a single aqua infused Octuple Solar produces 600 million eu/t under the right conditions. These also have the added bonus of being very TPS efficient, which is very important late game.
== Eye of Harmony ==
The first tier solar requires 8 1 volt solars in the alchemist crafting table, second tier requires 8 single compressed, etc. Starting from triple onwards, it will require infusion. Read the [https://gtnh.miraheze.org/wiki/Infusion_Automation Infusion automation guide] for help on automating these solars. The maximum tier is 8 (Octuple), and requires 16777216 1 volt solars, which breaks down to [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1E6J7cFoaiCGYgUb96yl7WkCTqdtDRGdOm-OTR4Zn3kA/edit#gid=157395997 this] in raw materials
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