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[[File:Prospectors scanner.jpg|thumb|Default and electric]]
[[File:Prospectors scanner.jpg|thumb|Default and electric]]
This is an item that help you to find new [[Ore Generation|ore veins]]. There are two types of prospector`s scanners: default and electric. Default scanner will use own durability and electric will use [[Electricity|power]] to work. There are ULV, LV, MV, HV, EV, IV, LuV, ZPM, UV, UHV types of default scanner and electric scanner has only Luv, ZPM, UV, UHV types.
This is an item that help you to find new [[Ore Generation|ore veins]]. There are two types of prospector`s scanners: default and electric. Default scanner will use own durability and electric will use [[Electricity|power]] to work. There are ULV, LV, MV, HV, EV, IV, LuV, ZPM, UV, UHV types of default scanner and electric scanner has only LuV, ZPM, UV, UHV types.