Rat world/sandbox

From GT New Horizons
Revision as of 07:49, 30 June 2023 by RAT WORLD (talk | contribs)
Mod Item Name Requires Power Light Radius Multiple Color Variants Chiseled Variants
Forestry Beehives no no no
Minecraft Glowstone no yes yes
Minecraft Torch no
Minecraft Jack o' Lantern no no
LootGames Dungeon Light no no
Automagy Glowing Amber no yes
Computronics Colorful Lamp no yes no
Applied Energistics 2 Vibrant Quartz Glass no no no
Botania Blaze Lamp no no no
Twilight Forest Firefly Jar no no no
Ender IO Electric Light yes no no
Extra Utilities Magnum Torch no no no
ProjectRed Illumination Cage Lamp no yes no
ProjectRed Illumination Lamp no yes no
ProjectRed Illumination Lantern no yes no
ProjectRed Illumination Fixture no yes no
ProjectRed Illumination Fallout Light no yes no
Galacticraft Core Glowstone Torch yes no yes
ExtraUtilities Chandelier no no no
ZTones Flat Lamp no no no
Minecraft Redstone Lamp no yes no
GregTech Redstone Controlled Lamp no no
RandomThings Lapis Lamp
Thaumcraft Arcane Lamp
Thaumcraft Lamp of Growth
Thaumcraft Lamp of Fertility
Galacticraft Core Arc Lamp
Bibliocraft Fancy Lamp no yes no
Blood Arsenal Blood Lamp
Project Blue Miniature Lamp yes no
Nuclear Control 2 Lamp yes no
Flood Lights Electric Floodlight yes no no
Flood Lights Non-electric Floodlight no; requires fuel
Flood Lights UV Floodlight
Thaumcraft Nitor no no no
Thaumic Tinkerer Hyperenergetic Nitor
Flood Lights Grow Light no no
Ender IO Enlightened Fused Quartz no no no
Ender IO Enlightened Clear Glass no no no