Research Station

Revision as of 11:08, 20 May 2022 by Minecraft7771 (talk | contribs) (Added warning to power usage.)
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The Research Station is used together with the Quantum Computer to progress further in the game. It is first required in UV-tier to research the Assembly Line-Datastick for the UHV-Mainframe. As they are used together this page will go into detail about both. As both are TecTech multiblocks they come with all the benefits like support for Laser-Hatches and the energy passthrough option.


For general construction refer to the Multiblock Structure Hologram Projector.

Quantum Computer

The Quantum Computer has a variable size, ranging from 5 to 16 blocks. The Multiblock Structure Hologram Projector shows you the smallest version with only 2 Computer Racks, however you may repeat the slice with the Computer Racks up to 12 times for a total of 24 Computer Racks. In addition to a Uncertainty Resolver, a Maintenance Hatch and an Energy Hatch it also requires an Optical Master Connector, which is used to connect the Quantum Computer with the Research Station (or other Quantum Computers, if you want to chain them).

Research Station

The Research Station has a static size, just follow the blueprint and add a Maintenance Hatch, an Optical Slave Connector and an appropiate Energy Hatch.

The Optical Connectors need to be connected with Optical Fiber Cables, both the connectors and cables need to be colored in the same color to work. The picture below shows an example for a complete setup with two Quantum Computers.


Setup and Usage

Quantum Computer

The Quantum Computer requires 1A UV + 1A UV for every Computer Rack to work (Important: It does actually use a full amp of UV! So keep in mind that you may have to account for losses if for example you feed it exactly 4A from an 4A dynamo). The power is constantly consumed so it is suggested to turn the multiblock off when not in use. Computer Racks need to be equiped with Circuits to generate computation and IC2 Heat Vents to help dissipate the power.

Uncertainty Resolver

The Uncertainy Resolver is a puzzle that needs to be solved in order to make use of the Quantum Computer. In the interface you can see the Schrödinger-Matrix in the middle and buttons to the left and right. Clicking on one button and then another will switch the states of the two corrosponding entries in the matrix. The goal of the puzzle is to balance the matrix In the sense that two opposite squares should not differ from each other too much (Don't have a too different blinking pattern from one another). Both indicator need to be green in order to solve the uncertainty.


Computer Rack

Computer Racks may be equipped with Circuits and Heat Vent. When operating each Computer Rack generated computation and heat. When a Computer Rack still has heat left it should not be broken or else it will explode. It will also explode when exceeding the max temperature of its circuits. Both the computation and the accumulated heat in % (10.000 beeing 100%) can be viewed by scanning the Computer Rack with a portable scanner.

For a start the Quest book recommends two racks with 3 Crystalprocessor Mainframes and 1 Advanced Heat Vent each. This will provide you with 180 computation which will be enough for a while.

Following is a list of stats of each Circuit starting from LuV with some notable additions (Circuits below LuV are possible too but probably irrelevant at this point)

Circuit stats
Tier Circuit Computation Max heat
UXV Quantum Circuit 128 9000
UMV Pico Circuit 64 8500
UIV Nano circuit 48 8000
UEV Bioware Mainframe 40 6000
UHV Bioware Supercomputer 42 6200
Wetware Mainframe 38 6000
UV Biowareprocessor Assembly 40 5900
Wetware Supercomputer 35 5700
Crystalprocessor Mainframe 30 5500
ZPM Biowareprocessor 34 5800
Wetwareprocessor Assembly 30 5600
Crystalprocessor Supercomputer 26 5400
Quantumprocessor Mainframe 22 5200
LuV Wetwareprocessor 24 5300
Crystalprocessor Assembly 20 5400
Quantumprocessor Supercomputer 16 5100
Nanoprocessor Mainframe 16 5000
Notable High Energy Flow Cirucit 24 10000

Following Components can be used for heat dissipation:

Circuit stats
Cooling Component Max heat
Heat Vent 1000
Reactor Heat Vent 2500
Overclocked Heat Vent 5000
Advanced Heat Vent 10000



Research Station

After the Research Station is connected with the Quantum Computer it will receive computation (Remember to turn on your Quantum Computer before using the Research Station). Look at the NEI recipe for the item you want to research to know the required compuation you need for you research. You will also see how much power is needed at which minimum voltage. The shown total EU-cost is the maximum that the research would consume at minimum research input. If you happen to have a higher computation you can save EU as the recipe will finish earlier.

To actually start the research insert an empty Data Stick into the controller interface and place the item you want to research into the Object Holder (Note that the item is not consumed until the Data Stick is written).