Development: Difference between revisions

From GT New Horizons
Content deleted Content added
VendoAU (talk | contribs)
m Fixed some typos
Add Useful options for Mixins
Line 409: Line 409:
* Debugging that config should show up loading the hot swap agent at the beginning of the logs
* Debugging that config should show up loading the hot swap agent at the beginning of the logs
* If you have custom jvm args in the configs, make sure to remove all gc-related options as dcevm is works only with the default gc
* If you have custom jvm args in the configs, make sure to remove all gc-related options as dcevm is works only with the default gc

== Mixins ==

=== Useful Options ===

* -Dmixin.debug=true '''# Enable Mixin Debug'''
* -Dmixin.debug.verbose=true '''# Verbose Debug Messages'''
* -Dmixin.debug.export=true '''# Export classes after mixins have been applied. If you include fernflower in your classpath, or copy org.jetbrains.fernflower into your mixin jar the exported classes will be decompiled'''
* -Dmixin.debug.countInjections=true '''# Throw an error if the injection count doesn't match expectations'''
* -Dlegacy.debugClassLoading=true '''# Class Load Debugging'''
* -Dlegacy.debugClassLoadingSave=true '''# Dump classes to `.minecraft/CLASSLOADER_TEMP`'''

Revision as of 17:09, 8 October 2022


Everyone can contribute to GTNH in one way or another. One possible way is to expand/improve the source code of the mods. To get started, you first need a vision for what you want to do. If you have no idea you can look through [issues] and try to address some. If you do have a vision and are unsure whether its good or want to hear more opinions on it you can discuss it with others in a new issue or on discord.

Getting started

If you found a mod that you want to edit, create a fork of it first, by pressing the fork-button on its GitHub page. After that you can clone your fork to a local repository and import it into your IDE and get started on development. If you are unsure how to do things, try to look up how similar things are already done.

From Scratch

  1. Create a new GitHub repository and clone it
  2. Choose and download a Forge MDK and extract the contents of the ZIP-archive into the directory, where you cloned your repository to (If you are developing for Minecraft 1.7.10, you can use SinTh0r4s' [1]-template).
  3. Edit your project details (name, version, dependencies, etc.).
  4. Execute gradlew setupDecompWorkspace eclipse / gradlew setupDecompWorkspace idea in the root directory of your project
  5. In Eclipse / IntelliJ IDEA, import your workspace as a Gradle project.
  6. Done.

From an existing Repository

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Execute gradlew setupDecompWorkspace eclipse / gradlew setupDecompWorkspace idea in the root directory of your project
  3. In Eclipse / IntelliJ IDEA, import your workspace as an existing Gradle project.
  4. If the import fails, you may have to adjust the Gradle version and/or buildscript. If you are developing for Minecraft 1.7.10, read this guide.
  5. Execute ./gradlew genIntellijRuns if you are using IntelliJ to run the project inside your IDE.
  6. Done.

Common issues

  • If even after you executed the gradlew setupDecompWorkspace command your IDE tells you that stuff is missing, try to reload gradle.
  • You need Java 8 (64 bit) for development. If you have multiple Java versions installed you may need to set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the location of your Java 8 installation.

Git Configuration

If you would like to avoid signing commits with your real name, see here: Managing Git Identities


All applications that are grouped together can do about the same. This does not mean that you can pick any one of them, as they differ in functionality, style, performance and customizability. It is recommended you look at what they can do and try each one out, so you can decide which application you want to use for which use case.

Code Editors
Integrated Development Environments
Image Editors

Maven/Jenkins Selection

URL Mods Mekanism, MekanismGenerators, MekanismTools All Modrinth mods CodeChickenCore, CodeChickenLib, EnderStorage, NotEnoughItems, Translocator, WR-CBE, ... Various IguanaTinkerTweaks, HungerOverhaul, Mantle, Natura, TinkersConstruct, TinkersMechworks, ... MrTJPCore, ForgeRelocation, ProjectRed Are We Endgame Yet?, AsieLib, BeeSpecific, BuildcraftOilTweak, CheatyComputers, Computronics, Conventional, CustomManualTab, Don't Stub Your Toe, FactumOpus, ForecatsersBackpacks, TGregworks, ... Various Advanced Machines, Advanced Repulsion Systems, AutoFood, Cloud Storage, Connected Glass, Dimensional Anchors, Immibis Core, Immibis's Macroblocks, Immibis's Microblocks, Immibis's Peripherals, InfiView, InfiniTubes, Liquid XP, RedLogic, Simple Recycling, TinyCarts, TubeStuff, ... AE2Stuff, BDLib, CoFHLib, Compacter, Computercraft, Generators, Gendustry, Mekanism, Pressure, ... AutoCrafter2000, BetterFoliage, CrayCrafting, D3Backend, D3Log, GooglyEyes, GreenThumb, HoloInventory, InsiderTrading, MCLink, MineSafety, MorphAdditions, Pay2Spawn, Pay2SpawnBlocks, PlaceableTools, TapeMouse, TerraFirmaCraft, TerraFirmaStuff, TFCraft-NEIplugin, TFC-Tweaks, Thermal Expansion, TorchTools, WeepingAngels, ... CraftingUtilities, Open Modular Turrets, FloodLights, ... Various Various Any GitHub project MineTweaker3, CraftTweaker, ... AppliedEnergistics 2, BetterStorage, BloodMagic, BluePower, BuildCraft, Charset, CodeChickenCore, CodeChickenLib, CoFHCore, CoFHLib, ColoredLightsCore, ComputerCraft, CraftGuide, EnderCore, EnderIO, EnderStorage, Forestry, Forge Multipart, GalacticraftCore, GregTech, Immibis Multipart, InGameWiki, Inventory Tweaks, Mantle, Mekanism, MineFactory Reloaded, MrTJPCore, NotEnoughItems, NotEnoughKeys, OpenComputers, PowerAdvantage, QmunityLib, ProjectRed, Railcraft, RedLogic, RedstoneFlux API, RotaryCraft, RotateableBlocks, ThaumicEnergistics, TinkersConstruct, TinkersMechworks, TIS-3D, Waila, WR-CBE, ...

ChickenChunks, CodeChickenCore, CodeChickenLib, EnderStorage, ForgeMultipart, NotEnoughItems, Translocators, WR-CBE LightningOverhaul, AnimFix, CrashGuard, DyamicRendering, EndlessIDs, FalsePatternLib, JarLoader, LagGoggles, SSMLegacy, Triangulator, ... IndustrialCraft, Forestry, ... Boilerplate, InGameWiki, K4Lib, MoarCarts, PneumaticCraft, ServerInfoProvider, Steamcraft2, ... Baubles, LLibrary, Thaumcraft, VeinMiner, ... Biomes O' Plenty, HelpFixer, MalisisCore, MalisisDoors, Mixin, IronChest, ... ExtraPlanets, ...

Chisel, CTMLib, CustomThings, DifficultyRecipes, EnderIO, EnderCore, EnderZoo, Ex-Astris, Ex-Nihilo, RecipeTweakingCore, SuperMassiveTech, ttCore, ... Config Patcher, DynIMC, Extension Fixer, InGame Info XML, InGame Mod Configs, Laser, Level, LunatriusCore, Monster Spawner Highlighter, Profiles, Schematica, SchematicaPlugin, Stackie, Tracer Any CurseForge file MineTweaker3 AdminCommandsToolbox, JABBA, MobiusCore, Netty-Opis, Opis, WAILA, ... Factorization Mixin, ... Any CurseForge file Buildcraft, BuildCraft Compat AppleCore

Code Style

  • Keep your added variables either private or constant unless absolutely necessary
  • Don't touch existing public variables' implementation, as this can break code using those variables.
  • Use thread-safe collections where you can, to make future multithreading possible
  • Comment your code, especially Javadoc-ing your methods and classes, if able
  • Try not to make one method do too much. Add helper methods if you need
  • Use the @Override annotation when overriding methods.
  • Avoid hard-dependencies
  • Please do semantic versioning.
  • Use the .editorconfig provided with the project or use this .editorconfig if none was provided.

Contribution Procedure

  1. Find something to contribute
  2. Fork the related projects (can skip this if you are a member of our github org)
  3. For certain old repos, buildscripts may need updating. See this guide.
  4. Push code into your fork (or on a separate branch in main repo)
  5. Open a pull request and provide a description on what it changes/adds/removes. Include pictures/graphs if necessary. If there is a related issue, link it. Ask for review from
    • DreamMasterXXL, if it's about quest and/or recipe change.
    • GTNewHorizons/developers team, if it's some java/scala/kotlin code change.
    • mitchej123, if it's NEI.
    • Original mod developer, if you are contributing to his mod and he/she is still around (e.g. glease for TC4Tweaks, SinTh0r4s for VisualProspecting, GlodBlock for GoodGenerators).
  6. Address review problems. Resolve merge conflicts (if any). Wait for final merge. DO NOT merge the PR yourself, even if approved! This is a task of GTNewHorizons/admin members.

Please do not have multiple changes/features in a single PR, make a separate PR for each. If they depend on each other, you can leave a note in the PR's description.

If you are not sure how to fork and open pull requests, read this gist by Chaser324.


Not every wiki/tutorial/article/... listed here contains information about Minecraft version 1.7.10 but some topics haven't changed much and often the general methodology is the same. The newer the version, the less comparable the inner workings of Minecraft/Forge are to 1.7.10.

You can look at the source-code of most mods included in GTNH here.

If you look for something specific, use the search-function of your browser!

You can find an extensive list of modding resources, made by the MMD-Team, here.

Tutorials / Blogs

Name Version(s) Topics (including, but often not limited to)
MMD Modding-Resources Various Blocks, Commands, Entities, Fluids, Items, Rendering, ...
Jabelar's Minecraft Forge Modding Tutorials Various Getting Started, Concepts, Registries, Entities, Blocks, Items, Armor, Weapons, Tools, Fluids, Tanks, Recipes, Ore Dictionary, Loot, Tile Entities, Networking, Events, Models, Animations, Rendering, Assets, Enchantments, GUIs, Keybindings & Mouse, Achievements / Advancements, Configs, World Generation, Creative Tabs, Particles, Sounds, Commands, IMC / Compat, ...
#knowledgebase (Minecraft Pack Development Discord) All Various bits of information on Mod(pack) Development
#resources (Blockbench Discord) All Modeling, Textures, Animation
Mixin-Cheatsheet All Cheatsheet for mixins
Mapping and Modding Tutorials on Minecraft Forum All? Various Topics
Old Forge Wiki Tutorials 1.3 - 1.7 Gettings Started, Concepts, Blocks, Items, Recipes, Events, Ore Generation, Tile Entities, Commands, Rendering, Configs, Models, Biome Dictionary, Ore Dictionary, Achievements, Sounds, GUIs, Networking, NBT, Containers, Entities, Multiblocks, Fluids, Scala, ...
Wuppy's Tutorials 1.3 - 1.8 Gettings Started, Recipes, Loot, Assets, Blocks, Items, Tools, Rendering, World Generation, Crops, Entities, Dimensions, ...
Vswe's Summer Courses 1.6.2 Java Basics, Getting Started, Items, Blocks, Tile Entities, Entities, World Gen, Sounds, Particles, Models, Textures, Animations
The Grey Ghost's Minecraft By Example [Blog|GitHub] 1.6 - 1.16 Concepts, Blocks, Items, Rendering, User Input, Packets, Entities, GUIs, Containers, Tools, Redstone, ...
EMX Tutorials 1.7 Getting Started, Items, Blocks, Recipes, Keybindings, Textures, Drops, GUIs, NBT, Models, Containers, ...
coolAlias' Forge Tutorials 1.7 Armor, Villager Trades, Inventories, Events, Rendering, ...
Vike's ASM Tutorial [Part 1|Part 2] 1.7 ASM
Bedrock Miner's Tutorials 1.7, 1.8 Getting started, Concepts, Blocks, Items, Tools, Armor, Food, Recipes, ...
TheXFactor117's Forge Modding Tutorials 1.7, 1.8 Getting Started, Items, Blocks, Armor, Tools, Ore Generation, NBT, Tile Entities, Assets, Creative Tabs, Recipes, Entities, ...
Darkhax' Tutorials 1.8 - 1.12 Custom Entity Data, Loot Tables, Events, Structure Generation, Update Checker, IMC, Jar Signing, Access Transformers, Rendering, CraftTweaker Support, Mixin
McJty's Tutorials 1.9+ Getting Started, Concepts, Configs, Blocks, Items, Tile Entities, Recipes, GUIs, Inventories, Entities, Rendering, Networking, Commands, Dimensions, WAILA Integration, ...
ShadowFacts' Tutorials 1.10 - 1.12 Getting Started, Concepts, Items, Models, Blocks, Blockstates, Assets, Crops, Creative Tabs, Recipes, Ore Dictionary, Food, Tools, Armor, World Generation, Tile Entities, Inventories, GUIs, Rendering, ...
suppergerrie2's Tutorials 1.12 - 1.15 Getting Started, Items, Blocks, Recipes, Ore Generation, Food, Creative Tabs, Tools, Slabs, Enchantments, Crops, Block States, Events, ...
Forge Community Wiki LTS, Latest Getting Started, Concepts, Blocks, Items, Tile Entities, Events, Resources, Data, Models, Networking, Potions, Particles, Sound, Events, Loot, Key Bindings, Access Transformers, ...
Java Docs Tutorials Not Minecraft specific Java
Red Blob Games Not Minecraft specific Path Finding, Graph Theory, Map Generation, Procedural Generation
0 FPS Not Minecraft specific Collision Detection, Geometry, Mathematics, Voxels, Shape Modeling, Ambient Occlusion, ...

Wikis / Docs

Name Topics Protocols, Authentification, NBT, etc. OpenGL
Wikipedia More than you can think of (but not everything)
Official Forge Docs [Latest|Legacy] Forge
Data Driven Shaders by Ladysnake MC 1.7+ Post Process Shaders
Official FTB Wiki Information on many Mods
Unofficial FTB Wiki Information on many Mods
MineTweaker 3 Wiki MineTweaker 3
CraftTweaker Docs CraftTweaker
Git Docs Git
VisualVM Docs VisualVM
Mixin Wiki Mixin
Gradle User Manual Gradle
Minecraft Forge Event List Vanilla and Forge Events (MC 1.12+)
ForgeJavaDocs Javadocs for MC, Forge and FML



For better hot-reload support in intellij you can use DCEVM. Instructions for linux:

  • unpack somewhere
  • go into the unpacked jvm, in jre/lib/amd64/server make a copy of called; afterwards copy the entire server folder and name it client (this tricks the intellij plugin into thinking the dcevm install is valid as installed by the old 2018 installer)
  • install HotSwapAgent plugin in intellij
  • Add the dcevm jdk as an SDK in intellij, it should autodetect most stuff but I had to manually copy over the javadoc path from my other java8 jdk
  • Set the dcevm jdk as default for the project and gradle
  • Set the non-dce jdk in Build,Exec&Deployment->Compiler->Scala Compiler->Scala Compile Server
  • In build tools->gradle set both build&run and run tests to using IntelliJ IDEA instead of Gradle
  • In Tools->HotSwapAgent enable it for all configurations and set the agent path to dcevm8u282b08/lib/hotswap/hotswap-agent.jar (in your dcevm installation)
  • Make sure to use the Minecraft Client/Server intellij configurations with the square frame icons instead of the runClient/etc. configurations with gradle icons
  • Debugging that config should show up loading the hot swap agent at the beginning of the logs
  • If you have custom jvm args in the configs, make sure to remove all gc-related options as dcevm is works only with the default gc


Useful Options

  • -Dmixin.debug=true # Enable Mixin Debug
  • -Dmixin.debug.verbose=true # Verbose Debug Messages
  • -Dmixin.debug.export=true # Export classes after mixins have been applied. If you include fernflower in your classpath, or copy org.jetbrains.fernflower into your mixin jar the exported classes will be decompiled
  • -Dmixin.debug.countInjections=true # Throw an error if the injection count doesn't match expectations
  • -Dlegacy.debugClassLoading=true # Class Load Debugging
  • -Dlegacy.debugClassLoadingSave=true # Dump classes to `.minecraft/CLASSLOADER_TEMP`