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m (Some clearup on alumite (should mention the best material possible for that tier))
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''This page provides data and information about the Tinker's Construct tools. You may be looking for [[GT Tools|GregTech Tools]] instead.''
The primary content of '''Tinker's Construct''' (TiCon) are the [[Smeltery]] and customizable tools. Similar to their vanilla counterparts, there are shovels, pickaxes, hoes, swords and axes. TiCon offers many additional unique tool and weapon variants, each of which is made up of two or more parts. Each tool part can be made from a different material and will have varying attributes depending on what it's made out of. Tool parts are combined in a Tool Station or it's upgrade, the Tool Forge. Tools and weapons can also be repaired in the same interface by adding the main part's raw material, typically an ingot. Some tools have a "Mining Level" that determines what blocks they can break, and all tools/weapons have a "Tool Level" that increases the more it's used.
The '''Tinker's Construct''' (TiCon) mod introduces customizable tools and weapons. These tools can be built out of multiple parts with different materials. Each material has its own statistics and special attributes. Tool parts are created in the [[Parts Station]], the [[Smeltery]], or MV [[Extruder]], and combined to build a tool in a [[Tool Station]] or its upgrade, the [[Tool Forge]].
''This page provides data and information about the Tinker's Construct tools. You may be looking for [[GT Tools|GregTech Tools]] instead.''
* [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Rsz0rH9tIVJxr18b1Z6-QxOSaEKssxF7u2naQTq2Mqg/edit#gid=200787025 Spreadsheet Data] (slightly outdated).
== Searching for Parts ==
[[File:BronzeTiConMaterialNEI.png|thumb|right|alt=Bronze Base Durability: 285, Handle Modifier: 1.25x, Full Durability: 356, Mining Speed: 6.5, Mining Level: 04-Redstone, Attack: 1.5 Hearts, Reinforced 1. Bow and Arrow. Draw Speed: 45, Arrow Speed 5.1, Weight: 3.2, Break Chance: 1.2|NEI Tool Materials tab for Bronze]]
Given that there are so many materials in GT:NH, it can be overwhelming to try and pick just one. The listings below offer suggestions of the most useful materials at each tier. The majority of TiCon parts are blacklisted in [[NEI]] and cannot be searched for directly. However, Thethe easiestUses waypage toof findany themTiCon ismaterial towill lookhave upa theTool desiredMaterials material firsttab, usuallydisplaying anthe ingot,statistics and thenattributes hitof "U"tool forparts usesmade orwith right-clickthat on it and check the "Tool Materials" tab for general statisticsmaterial.
To look up actualthe parts themselves, findlook up the NEI Uses tab for the Cast item forthat creates the specific part (ex. "Pickaxe Head Cast"),. look up usesThen, and navigate to the [[Casting Table]] tab for parts that can be made with the [[Smeltery]] and the [[Extruder]]TiCon tabPart forExtruding everythingtab elseotherwise. BeThe warned2.6.1 thattext theresearch willfunction beis potentiallyhelpful hundredsfor ofnavigating pagesthe tolarge scrollvariety through thisof waymaterials.
== Repair, Enhancement, and Part Replacement ==
TiCon tools can be repaired in a [[Crafting Station]], [[Adventure Backpack]], [[Tool Station]], or [[Tool Forge]] using the primary part's material (usually in ingot form). For Crafting Stations and Adventure Backpacks, the tool must be placed in the center of the grid to be repaired, where the pickaxe icon is. More material can be used in a single repair by filling more of the surrounding grid slots with the repair material.
A tool can be enhanced with [[Tinkers Tools#Modifiers|modifiers]] or have their parts replaced in a similar fashion. Both require the tool to be at full durability.
== Levels ==
[[File:TiConIron1.png|thumb|right|IronNEI Tool MaterialMaterials stats.tab for Iron]][[File:TiConIron2.png|thumb|right|Iron Pickaxe headHead statistics mirror the statistics found on the Tool Materials tab, except the -1 Mining statsLevel.]]
There are ''two'' separate levelling systems associated with TiCon tools/weapons.
==== Mining Level ====
The first is Mining Level/XP, which is only present on tools that break stone/ore blocks like Pickaxes and Hammers. Mining XP will either be two numbers divided by a slash showing the current / needed XP, or "Boosted", which means the tool is fully powered up. When a new tool is made or the tool head is replaced, the tool's Mining XP will reset to zero. Until it reaches "Boosted" status, the tool's Mining Level will be reduced by one. The Any[[NEI]] toolTool canMaterials onlytabs goshow upthe by one Mining Level using this method. The maximum/Boosted Mining Level isof showna inmaterial, thewhile Tool[[Extruder]] Materials tab ofand [[NEISmeltery]], while looking at the TiContool part willrecipes show the unboosted Mining Level it starts off with, which is -1 its potential. Compare the two images to the right.
A tool's Mining Level can also bereach boostedBoosted instantly by attachinghaving aan mob headitem (Zombie Head 1, Skeleton Skull 2, Creeper Head 4 or, Wither Skull 7, or Nether Star 8) tobe aattached toolto it. Each oneitem works only on tools of up to athe specificMining miningLevel levellisted on the head and will show on the tool's icon. MobThese headsitems do not cost a modifier slot to apply but can only be added to fully repaired tools, just like other modifiers. They Mob headsalso cannot be attached to tools that already have Boosted status.
A tool's Mining Level determines what blocks it can break. The Most[[Waila]] blockstooltip thatof area notblock oresdisplays don't require a specificany Mining Level; if one is needed it will be displayed in the [[Waila]] tooltiprequirement (i.e., "Harvest Level: 05-Obsidian"). The tooltip text will be green if the current tool meets the requirement, or red if it does not.
! Level !! Block Tier !! Notable Materials
Line 49 ⟶ 52:
==== Tool Level ====
{|{{STDT|c_01 floatright}}
! ModModifier Slot !! Level
| Every Level || 2 &to 3
| Every 2 Levels || 5 to 11
Line 61 ⟶ 64:
| Every 5 Levels || 45 to 99
TheTool secondLevels, levelintroduced isby Tool[[Iguana's Tinkers LevelTweaks]], whichare present on all TiCon tools/weapons have thanks to Iguana Tinker's Tweaks. Unlike Mining Level/XP, there is no practical cap on tool levels, though it takes progressively more XP forbut each increase.level requires Toolan Levelsincreasing goamount up as the tool/weapon is used appropriately, accumulating 1of XP per block harvested / enemy killed until a new level is reached. Tool Level maxes out at 100, and grants [[#Modifiers|modifiers]] at certain levels. When a tool gains XP, it will do so for both Mining and Tool (if possible) at the same time. The amount of XP it takes to level up is based on the tool's speed, or damage dealt for weapons.
'''Level Gain'''
Mining/Tool Levels accumulate with 1 XP per block harvested or enemy killed. The amount of XP it takes to level up is based on harvesting speed for tools or damage dealt for weapons.
== Tools ==