Transcendent Plasma Mixer

From GT New Horizons

The Transcendent Plasma Mixer is a UIV tier multiblock that specializes in crafting excited dimensionally transcendent catalysts for the Dimensionally Transcendent Plasma Forge. Not only can this machine make the excited versions of the higher tier catalysts directly, but the recipes are extremely quick and the machine offers unlimited parallels. It is also the only machine capable of crafting liquid primordial matter which is needed for eternity and therefore UXV components.

The Transcendent Plasma Mixer is powered directly from a wireless EU network and is therefore soft-gated behind the Dyson Swarm Ground Unit which is often the player's first time interacting with their wireless EU network. It is possible to craft and use it before then, but probably not very well because the EU costs for the recipes are very high.


Unlike most other multiblocks, the Transcendent Plasma Mixer does NOT take any type of energy hatch. It can only be powered by wireless EU which is handled by the controller. Crafting input buffer/bus is supported and just 6 crafting input slaves will cover all the different programmed circuits. The Multiblock Structure Hologram Projector can be used to quickly build the Transcendent Plasma Mixer.


  • 1 Transcendent Plasma Mixer (Controller)
  • 48 Dimensionally Transcendent Casings
  • 33 Dimensional Injection Casings
  • 16 Dimensional Bridges
  • 1 Maintenance Hatch
  • 1+ Input Bus (any injection casing)
  • 1+ Input Hatch (any injection casing)
  • 1+ Output Hatch (any injection casing)


The Transcendent Plasma Mixer can be wallshared with other mixers or even the DTPF but this only really saves on space as it does not take very many casings and they are not very expensive. The unlimited parallels also means the player will never need more than one mixer anyway.


The only unique mechanic to the Transcendent Plasma Mixer is setting the number of parallels which is very easily done in the GUI of the controller. This can be as high or low as the player would like and really depends on how much power is in their wireless EU network.