Upcoming Features: Difference between revisions

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== Planned Versions ==
=== Planned Features for 2.6.0 and later ===
* Angelica mod to replace optifine/fastcraft/etc.
* Add new multiblocks system: MuTEs. Deprecate the [[Processing Array]] (PA) by 2.6.0, remove by 2.7.0. Also deprecate and eventually remove other multiblocks (GT, GT++, etc.) when they get a replacement.
=== Planned Features for later versions===
* Add new multiblocks system: MuTEs. Deprecate theand remove [[Processing Array]] (PA) by 2.6.0, remove by 2.7.0. Also deprecate and eventually remove other multiblocks (GT, GT++, etc.) when they get a replacement.
== Breaking Changes==