User:Abdiel Kavash/Pollution: Difference between revisions

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:Detailed pollution scrubber math for nerds:
:<source>PollutionRemovedPerSecondPollutionRemoved =
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:* <code>PollutionRemovedPerSecondPollutionRemoved</code> is how much pollution the scrubber removes perevery second.
:* <code>tier</code> is the energy tier of the machine (LV = 1, MV = 2, ...) However, anything below MV is also considered tier 2, so that the formula doesn't just return zero. In other words, ULV, LV, and MV scrubbers all remove pollution at the same rate.
:* <code>airSides</code> counts how many sides of the machine are exposed to air. (0-6, good luck getting 6)
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:Ignoring rounding, this simplifies to approximately:
:<source>PollutionRemovedPerSecondPollutionRemoved = (tier - 1)^2 * airSides^2 * efficiency * airFlow / 10</source>
:But note that the rounding error can be fairly large because the rounding is performed on small values in practice.
:As noted above, a scrubber running in low efficiency mode will remove half the <code>PollutionRemovedPerSecondPollutionRemoved</code> value every second, and a ZPM scrubber or better will also remove <code>PollutionRemovedPerSecondPollutionRemoved / 4</code> (or <code>/ 8</code> in low efficiency mode) from the eight directly and diagonally adjacent chunks.
Finally, just a small quirk of the scrubber: It will never remove more than half of the current pollution from a chunk in one operation. So when the pollution in the chunk becomes really low (less than twice the <code>PollutionRemovedPerSecondPollutionRemoved</code> value), the scrubber will remove less and less of it with every operation. But it will still damage the turbine and the filter at the same rate. If this is a problem for you, consider using a Pollution Detector to shut the scrubber down when pollution level gets low.
=== Air Filters ===
