User:Abdiel Kavash/Pollution: Difference between revisions

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A machine does not generate pollution continuously every tick. Instead, pollution accumulates in an internal buffer while the machine runs at the rate listed in the tooltip. Pollution accumulates in this buffer every tick (by 1/20th of the listed amount), so even if the machine runs for less than a full second it still produces pollution. When the internal buffer reaches 10,000 gibbl, this amount of pollution is vented to the chunk the machine is in. If the machine is a multiblock equipped with a muffler hatch, the muffler can then reduce the amount of pollution that is released into the air.
:'''''Example:''''' ''An Electric Blast Furnace (EBF) generatesproduces 400 gibbl per second. This means that after 25 seconds the internal buffer accumulates 10,000 gibbl and is vented. If the EBF is equipped with an HV muffler hatch, this amount is reduced to 75%, and 7,500 gibbl of pollution is added to the chunk. However, the internal buffer is still reduced by 10,000 gibbl, to zero; the extra 2,500 gibbl simply vanishes! So during continuous operation, the EBF will release 7,500 gibbl into its chunk every 25 seconds.''
If you just want to calculate the average rate at which a machine generates pollution, simply multiply the rate listed on the tooltip by the reduction of the muffler hatch. In the example above, the EBF with an HV muffler generates <code>400 * 0.75 = 300</code> gibbl/sec. You can check that this simple calculation agrees with the detailed explanation above.
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You can also combat pollution by planning your infrastructure in a smart way. There are at least two possible optionsapproaches:
* You can try to spread out your big pollution producers over a larger area, so that no one chunk accumulates dangerous levels of pollution. Then you can userely on natural dissipation to keep pollution levels under control.
* Alternatively, you can place all your polluting machines together intoin one orplace, twoseveral chunks far away from your base, and. concentrateConcentrate all the pollution there, whileand keepingkeep the rest of your base clean. Just remember to wear your hazmat suit when you need to go there to do maintenance!
Remember that pollution only spreads to the four directly adjacent chunks, so if you place your pollution producers diagonally from your living area, pollution has more chunksneeds to travel over more chunks to get to you.
Finally, make sure that machines that generate lots of pollution only run when they are needed. Turn off your generators when your energy storage gets full. Use the [[#Measuring Pollution|Pollution Detection Device]] to turn off yourcontrol passive production if it is polluting too much. Overclock your machines to a higher energy tier so that they complete their work faster, and generate less pollution in that time!
=== Pollution Scrubbers ===
