Advanced Assembly Line: Difference between revisions

Add mention of no tier skipping.
m (clarity)
m (Add mention of no tier skipping.)
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The '''Advanced Assembly Line''' (AAL) is an upgraded version of the [[Assembly Line]] that allows for simultaneous processing aka item pipelining and higher overclocking. It mimics a real assembly line by consuming ingredients one-by-one instead of all at once which allows the AAL to offer parallelism up to however many item inputs a recipe requires.
Although craftable at the same time as the Assembly Line, it is ''not'' recommended to upgrade right away for multiple reasons. 1) The AAL is much more complicated than the Assembly Line and is prone to getting stuck if not setup correctly. A solid understanding of the basics is strongly recommended before building this multiblock. 2) Parallelism is not free and will cost a tremendous amount of power which may be difficult to support without [[Lasers|laser]] power transfer. 3) Automation is significantly more expensive as it requires a lot of [[AE2]] components. A solid understanding of the basics is strongly recommended before building this multiblock.
== Construction ==
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'''Buses and Hatches'''
Unlike the Assembly Line, the AAL accepts TecTech [[Multi-Amp Energy Hatch]]es and [[Laser Target Hatch]]es to handle the increased power requirements of parallel processing. However, there is no tier skipping. UV energy hatch(es) with any number of amps is not sufficient for a UHV recipe and the AAL will stop due to a crash. This is NOT like the regular Assembly Line which can run higher tier recipes with multiple energy hatches.
The input buses can be any [[tier]], but typically [[Stocking Input BusAdvanced (ME)|Stocking Input Buses]] are used because they can easily auto-pull from buffer inventories. The output bus should replace a solid steel machine casing on layer 1 rather than replacing an input bus on the last slice.
Only four input hatches are required because no AAL recipe uses more than four fluids. There can be gaps between the input hatches if necessary.
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Place fluid storage buses on all the input hatches with DESCENDING PRIORITY from the first slice
Use advanced stocking input buses on each slice and enable AUTO-PULL on all of them
Alternate cable colors since each slice is its own AE2 subnetwork
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|- style="vertical-align:top;"
|'''<u>STEP 3</u>'''
Place a storage bus on the bottom of each green cable to read the contents of anthe ME chest justdirectly below itunderneath
Each ME chest should be limited to a single item type (block container cell works well) and have DESCENDING PRIORITY from the first slice
