Advanced Assembly Line: Difference between revisions

sweep for clarity, capitalizing item names, adding links, categories.
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|name=Advanced Assembly Line
|mod=Gregtech 5GigaGramFab
|type=Tile Entity
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|gtitemcapacity= As per Input Bus
The '''Advanced Assembly Line''' (AAL) is an upgraded version of the [[Assembly Line]] that allows for parallel processing and higher overclocking. It mimics a real assembly line by consuming ingredients one-by-one instead of all at once which allows the AAL to offer parallelism up to however many item inputs a recipe requires.
== Introduction ==
The Advanced Assembly Line (AAL) is an upgraded version of the [[Assembly Line]] that allows for parallel processing and higher overclocking. It mimics a real assembly line by consuming ingredients one-by-one instead of all at once which allows the AAL to offer parallelism up to however many item inputs a recipe requires.
Although craftable at the same time as the Assembly Line, it is NOT''not'' recommended to upgrade right away for multiple reasons. ThisThe AAL is formuch amore fewcomplicated than the Assembly Line reasonsand is prone to getting stuck if not setup correctly. First, parallelismParallelism is not free and will cost a tremendous amount of power which may be difficult to support untilwithout lasers[[Lasers|laser]] arepower availabletransfer. Second, the automation setupAutomation is significantly more expensive as it requires a lot of [[AE2]] components. Third, the AAL is much more complicated than the Assembly Line and is prone to getting stuck if not setup correctly. A player should have a solid understanding of the basics beforeis divingstrongly intorecommended thebefore building deepthis endmultiblock.
== Construction ==
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'''Buses and Hatches'''
Unlike the Assembly Line, the AAL accepts TecTech multi[[Multi-ampAmp energyEnergy hatchesHatch]]es and laser[[Laser energyTarget hatchesHatch]]es to handle the increased power requirements of parallel processing.
The input buses can be any [[tier]], but typically stocking[[Stocking inputInput busesBus (ME)|Stocking Input Buses]] are used because they can easily auto-pull from buffer inventories. The output bus should replace a solid steel machine casing on layer 1 rather than replacing an input bus on the last slice.
Only four input hatches are required because no AAL recipe uses more than four fluids. There can be gaps between the input hatches if necessary.
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== OperationUsage ==
The AAL will start processing once the input bus contents align with any stored data[[Data stickStick]]. The first slice will consume the ingredient in the input bus in just (recipe time / number of inputs) seconds. Once complete, the second slice will start processing in the same amount of time. This will continue until the last ingredient in the recipe. If the next slice cannot find the materials in its input bus, the just-finished slice will remain in a STUCK state which will hang the AAL. If this happens, the controller's front face will have its status light turned orange.
The energy cost of this machine is the number of slices active multiplied by the original recipe EU/t. STUCK slices do not consume power. The AAL will use the worst energy supplying hatch's input voltage for calculating the tier of the recipe and overclocks. With higher amp energy hatches, it can overclock beyond the named voltage tiers, but will consume even more power than a usual imperfect overclock. Every such laser overclock will add 0.3 to the power multiplier. For example, 1one laser overclock will have 50% recipe time and use 430% power but 2two laser overclocks will have 25% recipe time and use 1978% power (4.3 * 4.6). It is not possible to overclock faster than 1one tick. The AAL first tries to parallelize, then normal imperfect overclock, then laser overclock.
== Automation ==
There are not very many methods to automate the AAL. Only one is discussed in detail here as it is the most prominent and easiest to implement with an AE2 auto-craft system. A prerequisite is the fluid[[ME processingFluid patternProcessing terminalPattern Terminal]] which is the only terminal big enough to pattern all the ingredients in AAL crafts.
=== Method 1: Applied Energistics ===
The core mechanic behind this approach is that [[ME chestsChest]]s with set priorities can determine the order in which items are inserted and hold several recipes worth of a single item. Inputs are blocked using an advanced[[Advanced blockingBlocking cardCard]] (GTNH v2.3.7+) to avoid recipes from being mixed. Follow the slideshow below to walk through the steps of this approach.
To actually run recipes in parallel on the same AAL, ''all patterns must be multiplied''. Instead of a single motor, for example, have the pattern craft sixteen motors (hence the need for buffer chests). This is because the advancedAdvanced blockingBlocking cardCard will prevent any additional ingredients from being inserted while there are still some in the buffer chests.
Another caveat is that duplicateDuplicate items that are full stacks also need to be [[Renaming|renamed]] in an industrial[[Industrial materialMaterial pressPress]]. This is because the buffer chests can hold more than a single stack of items, unlike the ULV input buses used in regular Assembly Line automation.
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