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[[Category:Guides]][[Category:Automation]][[Category:Applied Energistics 2]][[Category:Mods]]
=A Quick Guide to AE2=
This guide will only focus on item storage and autocrafting through AE2 and the foundations of a simple Matter Energy (ME) network, but please note that AE2 is not limited to just this purpose. It is possible to transport energy, fluids, vis, redstone signals, light, and even space. It can do all these things cross-dimensionally on top of this!
A guide to [[Chemistry Automation]] exists as well.
Most, but not all, AE2 devices require a channel before it will turn on.
Most, but not all, AE2 devices require a channel before it will turn on. Exceeding the channel capacity of your network will result in the network being shut down until the excess channels are freed up. In general, most things that involve transporting items or permanently holding items (i.e. drives and storage buses) require a channel. Here is a short list of things that require a channel:
[[File:Channels.png|thumb|Mousing over a cable shows how many channels are in use]]
Most, but not all, AE2 devices require a channel before it will turn on. Exceeding the channel capacity of your network will result in the network being shut down until the excess channels are freed up. In general, most things that involve transporting items or permanently holding items (i.e. drives and storage buses) require a channel. Here is a short list of things that require a channel:
*ME Interface
*ME Drive
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Six main types of cabling exist: quartz fiber, glass cables, covered cables, smart cables, dense cables, and ME Conduits (from Ender IO).
[[File:Cables.png|thumb|3 dense cables in action. Each colored line that is lit represents 4 channels in use. In smart cables, each line that is lit represents 1 channel.]]
*Quartz Fiber holds power, but not channels. One of its primary uses is to share power between a network and its subnetworks.
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*Smart cables can hold up to 8 channels and power. In addition to this, they will visually show how many of the 8 channels are currently being used. This makes it very useful for debugging issues that will inevitably arise with any moderately complex network.
*Dense cables can hold up to 32 channels and power. Just like smart cables, they visually display how many channels are currently in use. The downside is that they cannot connect directly to most other devices except P2P Tunnels and other cables. This means that one of their main purposes is to carry an entire Controller face's worth of channels over long distances.
*ME Conduits can hold up to 48 channels and power. They are from the Ender IO mod and cannot be colored the same way as AE2 cables. They also cannot connect to AE2 microblocks (such as terminals and flat-face interfaces).
*Dense ME Conduits can hold up to 32 channels and power. They are the dense version of the Ender IO ME conduits.
Note that glass cables, covered cables, smart cables, and dense cables can all be colored with dye using a shaped crafting recipe. Colored cables will not connect to cables of a different color. The one exception is the default fluix color, which can connect to all other colors. Dyes can also be removed by shaped crafting with a water bucket.
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Cable anchors can also be used to prevent same-colored cables from connecting to each other.
=== P2P Tunnels ===
P2P tunnels can carry items or fluids from one place to another without showing up on the rest of the network. In addition, they can bundle network channels to carry more channels from one point to another across a separate transport network. Details here
You may use [[fluid_P2P_tunnels]] to transport fluids at unlimited rate.
* A regular terminal will allow the manual insertion/extraction of items frominto/tofrom the ME network.
* A pattern terminal is essentially a regular terminal but will also allow one to create patterns for autocrafting purposes (explained below).
* A crafting terminal is essentially a regular terminal with a crafting grid for 3x3 shaped crafting recipes.
* An interface terminal allows for the insert/extraction of crafting patterns into/from any interfaces that are connected to the ME network.
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Nearly every minecraft block has an AE2 facade recipe (4 cable anchors + block). Facades allow the hiding of cabling, interfaces, and buses behind a facade of the chosen block. The AE2 Network Tool allows easy removal of facades as well as the ability to see through facades, allowing for easy debugging of your system without tearing everything apart.
==Import and Export Buses==
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==Storage Bus==
Storage buses connect to other inventory-like devices, such as JABBA barrels, and treats those inventories like they were storage cells, allowing you to insert/extract from those inventory-like devices. Right clicking on a storage bus will bring up a UI in which one can specifiy which items will be stored by this storage bus, essentially acting as a filter of sorts. Since the inventory is treated as a medium to hold item, like a storage cell, one could theoretically have a drive-less ME network and use pure storage buses instead. Storage buses can be very useful in instances where an upgraded barrel (or a super chest) can hold more of a single item than a storage cell ever could. Storage busses can also be used on Drawer controllers for easy mass storage of multiple types with only one storage bus.
Furthermore, connecting a storage bus to an ME Interface will expose the contents of the network connected to that Interface to the network connected to the storage bus. In other words, if Network A has a storage bus and Network B has an ME Interface, connecting Network A's storage bus to Network B's interface allows Network A to see and interact with all items stored in Network B. This interaction is not two-way. In the aforementioned scenario, A can see the contents of B, but B does not see the contents of A. This allows one to create subnetworks. This feature should be used sparingly for performance reasons.
[[File:MEInterface.png|thumb|Figure 1: Interface UI]]
A sample ME Interface UI is shown on Figure 1:
ME Interfaces serve a number of purposes. Firstly, they can act as a glorified import and export bus. Inserting items into an interface will insert the item into the ME network. Placing an item(s) into one of the many filters inside an interface will force it to export that many item(s) into the interface (the bottom slot). Something will need to pull the item out of the interface after.
[[File:Subnetwork.png|thumb|A simple subnetwork. On the left is Network A's storage bus and on the right is Network B's interface. Network A can see all the storage cell contents of Network B. Notice that Network A is sharing power with Network B via quartz fibre on the top.]]
ME Interfaces serve a number of purposes. Firstly, they can act as a glorified import and export bus. Inserting items directly into an interface will insert the item into the ME network. Inserting items into slot B shown on Figure 1 will also insert items into the network. Placing an item(s) into one of the many8 filtersslots insideof anslot interfaceA in Figure 1 will force it to export that many item(s) into the interface (the bottom slot) B. Something will need to pull the item out of the interface after, since it does not auto-output like an export bus.
As previously mentioned, interfaces also expose the contents of its network to any storage bus that connects to it.
Interfaces also allow for autocrafting. The bottommost row of 9 slots (slot C in Figure 1) can hold crafting/processing patterns (will be explained shortly). The top right slot (slot D in Figure 1) can hold upgrade cards.
Interfaces can be shaped shape-crafted to be in panel-mode or block-mode. Functionally, there is no difference between the two modes. Panel-mode interfaces can seamlessly exist within AE2 facades and can attach to any 6 sides of a cable or a block, whereas block-mode interfaces will take up the whole block space.
==Molecular Assembler==
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=Autocrafting in AE2 =
==Setting Up a Pattern==
Encoded Patterns hold recipes inside them. Inserting this pattern into an ME Interface will allow one to autocraft that recipe from any terminal of the ME network. To create an Encoded Pattern, a blank pattern and a pattern terminal is needed. Inside the terminal, it iswill possiblelook tolike toggleFigure between creating crafting patterns or creating processing patterns. Blank patterns can be inserted into the slot on the bottom right side. Encoded patterns can be overwritten with new recipes (insert it into the output slot and encode a new recipe).2:
[[File:Pattern.png|thumb|Figure 2: A pattern terminal]]
Crafting patterns are for 3x3 shaped crafting recipes. If a valid 3x3 combination of items is set in a crafting pattern, the corresponding item will automatically show up in the output slot (which allows you to actually encode the pattern; an empty output is not a valid pattern and cannot be encoded yet). Crafting patterns should be inserted into ME Interfaces that are connected to a Molecular Assembler. Note that any tools used in a shaped crafting recipe will be inserted back into the ME network after the recipe is finished.
It is possible to toggle between creating crafting or processing patterns by clicking on the top right button. The button looks like a crafting table for crafting patterns and a furnace for processing patterns. Blank patterns can be inserted into slot C shown on the diagram. Once a valid pattern is entered, press the button on slot D in the diagram to encode the pattern. Encoded patterns can be overwritten with new recipes (insert it into slot E shown on the diagram and re-encode).
Processing patterns are for every other non-shaped crafting recipe, most notably for machines. The left 3x3 grid represents the input items for the recipe, which is user configurable and the right 3 slots represent the output items for the recipe, which are also user configurable. Just like in crafting patterns, a recipe with an empty output is not a valid pattern. Remember that quantity of items matters here, unlike for a crafting pattern. Processing patterns should be inserted into ME Interfaces that are not connected to a Molecular Assembler.
Crafting patterns are for 3x3 shaped crafting recipes. If a valid 3x3 combination of items is set in aslot craftingA patternof the diagram, the corresponding item will automatically show up in the output slot (B, which allows you to actually encode the pattern; an empty output is not a valid pattern and cannot be encoded yet). Crafting patterns should be inserted into ME Interfaces that are connected to a Molecular Assembler. Note that any tools used in a shaped crafting recipe will be inserted back into the ME network after the recipe is finished.
Processing patterns are for every other non-shaped crafting recipe, most notably for machines. The left 3x3 grid representsis theset inputin itemsslot for the recipeA, which is user configurable and the rightslot 3B slotsoutputs represent the output items for the recipe, which are also user configurable. Just like in crafting patterns, a recipe with an empty output is not a valid pattern. Remember that quantity of items matters here, unlike for a crafting pattern. Processing patterns should be inserted into ME Interfaces that are not connected to a Molecular Assembler.
==Setting Up Crafting Storage and Co-Processors==
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Note that you would probably also need to set up autocrafting for the 1x tin wires as well: 1 tin ingot->2 1x tin wires. This recipe could be hooked up directly to a Gregtech wiremill. But note if you do this, you will literally have a limit of 4x9 wiremill recipes. This is because interfaces can only hold 9 recipes each and only 4 of the 6 faces of a Gregtech machine can have an interface attached to it: one is a non-insertible "face" of the machine and the other would be used for EU input. To get around this, we can do what we did before and instead connect the interface to a chest. The chest can then have items transported from it to the machine. You will notice that doing it this way is also easily expandable since we can easily just add more chests/interfaces. As long as the ME network receives 2 1x tin wires after dumping a tin ingot into the chest, any setup is valid.
[[File:Interfacetochest.png|thumb|An interface connected to a chest allows for potentially infinite numbers of interfaces for a single machine.]]
=Applied Energistics 2 Energy Usage in GT:NH=
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1 EU = 2 AE
Right clicking with an AE2 wrenchNetwork Tool onto any part of your ME system gives a detailed overview about the components in your system and their energy drain. Clicking the top-left button will further convert the default AE units into EU for ease of reading (since this pack mainly deals with Gregtech EU). OneThe thinglist tobelow notegives isan thatapproximate GT:NH alters the energyEU drain reportedfor by the AE wrench overview. Because of this, anyeach component in the wrench UI's overview list actually has an EU drain multiplied by 10. The total drain listed at the bottom of the wrench UI, however, is correct and does not need any extra multiplicationAE2.
The list below gives an approximate EU drain for each component in AE2.
* Controller = 15 EU/t
