Assembly Line Automation

From GT New Horizons
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Once you reach the end of IV you'll make your first assembly line. Starting out you won't need to make a lot of parts in it, however towards the end of LuV this will ramp up. Eventually it will become a hassle to input all of the fluids and items manually, bringing automation up as a solution. You have many ways to do this, with varying levels of simplicity and reward to them. SFM is an easy pick to start with, however the downsides are that adding each new recipe will take a while and never gets easier. Open computers can do this as well, however you will find a similar issue with trying to turn an AE recipe into assembly line recipes. Most methods for automation require you to setup each new recipe in a specific way, which is usually not very fun to do. Here we will go over the basics of SFM automation, as well as an alternative to SFM/OC which makes additional recipes much simpler and faster to add.

Steve's Factory Manager

SFM has many ways to tackle this automation challenge. Usually people using this method will follow a simple pattern. You can use conditions to check for a recipe, then push specific items and quantities to specific busses. This works, however it's not great for expansion, as each new recipe will need a new set of conditions and movement. Here I'm going to propose an alternative method that doesn't need any changes when adding new recipes, or even adding new assembly lines in parallel.

This method relies on two strange techniques. First is item renaming. This is the action of using a GT naming mold in a forming press, to give items a different name. This is to force the same type of item to not stack in an inventory. The other technique you need is variable loop position storage. This is to be able to put all your input busses on the same variable, and still distinguish which machine is which.

The naming is quite simple. If you need one type of item in more than one bus (for example fine wires in motors, circuits in fusion reactors, etc) you will need to rename all stacks but one. For a motor that needs 4 stacks of the same fine wire, one stack in a recipe can be normal, while another needs one unique name, another needs a different name, and so on. Generally you won't be pushing straight to the busses but rather having an intermediate inventory. This allows for more than one recipe in a pattern as theoretically you can have 16+ depending on the recipe.

The next big thing is variable loop position. This is a bit of a weird tech, but you'll find it invaluable here. SFM has variable loops, which allow you to iterate through all inventories on a variable, and do complex logic on each one. Here we are going to use loops to find the first open assembly line, then another loop to push to all the busses on that specific assembly line. This might seem a little complex as it's so abstract, but the logic is more or less very simple. If you move a single item every loop, the quantity of items in the destination inventory will be equal to the amount of times you've done the loop. Here we will use that idea to iterate through the first busses of each parallel machine, find the first open one, then use that position to move all the items into the right busses.

Setting this up is fairly straightforward if you grasp the concept above. Essentially all you need is a variable for your AE input chests, another variable which holds the first input bus (and drawer if you want to allow large recipe inputs) of each assembly line, and a final variable which will contain every input bus and output bus (or input drawers and output inventory). The only building constraint is you will need your sfm cables to run in series through your machines.

Open Computers

- WiP-


An under utilized option for assembly line automation is GT itself. GT pipes exhibit a pulling system that is capable of translating an ordered set of item stacks in one inventory, into a similarly ordered set of inventories holding singular stacks of items. Pipes will pull the first stack from an inventory, and push it into the first open inventory they see. This can be used with pipes that limit stack size to 1/s or below, to order the inventories in the same order as the items in the initial inventory. Essentially you start with items A, B, and C in that order in inventory 0, and end up with items A in inventory 1, items B in inventory 2, and items C in inventory 3. As AE will input items in the same order as a pattern, this can be used to order any recipe in the assembly line order it needs. Simply hooking up a large throughput pipe backbone onto 1stack/s or lower branching pipes, will be able to order any items you give it.

Fluids do pose a bit of a change to this, as simply putting them before or after items results in some spacing issues. An easy solution is to provide a GT filter with volumetric flasks, set to ignore NBT before a restrictive pipe that leads to the item outputs. This will pull any fluid separately, while not impacting item ordering. Fluids can then be stored in a separate ordering of chests, which will lead to the input hatches.

When it comes to removing items from inventories and pushing them into assembly lines, you have many options. Pure GT will again work here, and allow for an infinite quantity of assembly lines in parallel. Simply provide an "in use" signal from your full assembly lines, and use shutters to block inputs. If inventory 1 is connect to assembly line 1 bus 1, assembly line 2 bus 1, etc, it'll move your items to the first free assembly line. Doing the same with fluids will result in a perfectly working automated array of assembly lines.

One small issue is sometimes non full stacks of similar items can end up combined. For example, 4 stacks of single quantum circuits for the fusion controller can end up with 4 circuits in a single bus. A very simple solution to this is to use the naming mold to give stacks different names. Doing so removes their ability to stack with each other, and forces separated items.

You will probably want to do some redstone logic on the AE input and sorting to avoid mixing recipes, but how you do this mostly comes up to choice. A shutter on the top of your AE input chest is a big help to avoid mixing recipes. Here is a short video explaining how this works, and the basics of setup.