Bee Breeding Guide: Difference between revisions

links to Thaumic Restorer
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m (links to Thaumic Restorer)
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# Get a field kit and beealyzer. The field kit is optional if you can afford the beealyzer, but definitely consider it before you have the alveary. It saves a lot of honey. Love yourself: don't use the gregtech scanner. Also don't bother with the Apiarist Database: it is intended for base forestry where info bees is hidden until you discover it; [[NEI]] provides all of the useful information more easily.
# Progress through thaumcraft enough to get a [[Thaumic Restorer]]. This is optional when getting started, but once you get some more expensive frames it is basically required. This can repair frames (besides GT++), the field kit (which can be used to cheese infinite paper), and many tools. Another notable use only tangentially related to bees is repairing blood magic flight potions. This can help find hives more easily, especially ender hives. The flight potions can be made without any blood magic - just put a chicken trophy in an assembler, which you can in turn get as a reward from the botania soarlander if you don't fancy your luck killing chickens.
# Get some apiaries from villages, buy from questbook, or craft. You really cannot get enough of these.
# Get ender io item conduits to automate apiaries. Hoppers and gregtech item pipes or apiarist pipes are a couple other options.
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Also similar to crops, there are several ways to do so and the gregtech scanner is the worst one.
You should make the field kit, beealyzer, and thaumic[[Thaumic restorerRestorer]].
You only really need the field kit OR beealyzer depending on your tech level, and the thaumic restorer is optional until you have expensive frames, but all three are useful so make sure you understand the tradeoffs.
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So in 2.2.3 you definitely want to use fastest bees and frames.
If you don't repair the frames using the thaumic[[Thaumic restorerRestorer]], you'd go through about 39.7 untreated, 13.2 impregnated, or 4.4 proven.
Remember you can buy them in the questbook.
I haven't found a way to automatically insert frames, including robot arms.
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* with no frames, a note, and 4x fertility, you get an 83.023% chance.
Then, if you have necrotic frames from loot bags or you haven't made the thaumic[[Thaumic restorerRestorer]] (the more damaged your rare frames get, the more you need the thaumic restorer) but do have chocolate frames, you can switch out your soul frames and start trying to get a purebred Common bee with 4x fertility.
Switching away from mutation boosting frames while stat breeding is important because it lets you lower lifetime instead, and also makes you less likely to get the next mutation in the chain (Cultivated in this case) before you have a stable stock of purebred Common bees.
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# these traits/genes can be amplified in the polymerizer (technically optional for this part, AND can be replaced by the thaumic restorer) and then scanned in the sequencer. If you place scanned samples in a chest, the hologlasses will show them as only one stack if they are the same. Once your sample is successfully scanned, you'll be able to select that gene in the gene database for making serum arrays.
# then use the gene database to create a serum array with the traits you care about. You can select from any traits you've discovered in the gene database. This will overwrite the traits of larvae. It has durability, I'm not sure if it can be repaired.
# serum arrays need to be polymerized before they can be used. You can also use the polymerized to make extracted genes work faster in the sequencer, but the thaumic[[Thaumic restorerRestorer]] can cheese this. It can't cheese the required polymerization before serum arrays can be used.
# now you need to generate larvae, so use a hatchery in your alveary and you will get larvae. The hatchery has a 1/2400 chance each game tick to create a larva, so it generates one every 2 minutes on average. These larvae are genetic copies of the princess/queen.
# once you take a larva and apply a serum array to it, the serum array will overwrite any traits that were set in it, and any other traits will remain unaltered.
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# Generate ignoble princesses, mate them with random drones, then set their genes with Gendustry. This is the option for ultra wealthy thaumcraft haters who've reached LuV.
# Autocraft gentle frames and export them into your alvearies, thus making your ignoble bees effectively pristine. Now we're getting somewhere, this way we only need to set up the princesses once.
# Craft a few more gentle frames than you need and automate pulling them from frame housings for a quick touch up in the thaumic[[Thaumic restorerRestorer]] before replacing them. This is the best way because it requires much less thaumcraft automation than the previous way.
= 12 Exact Mutation Math for Non-Commutative Nerds =
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| Untreated || 1x || 2x || 1x || 80 (yes) || 1x || 0.9x || basic forestry frame, use if you want to autocraft rather than auto repair
| Impregnated || 1x || 2x || 1x || 240 (yes) || 1x || 0.4x || intermediate forestry frame, can be bought in questbook (only do this if you have neither thaumic[[Thaumic restorerRestorer]] nor autocrafting)
| Proven || 1x || 2x || 1x || 720 (yes) || 1x || 1x || best forestry frame, buy from villagers or craft (cheap, breed imperial for royal jelly and buy tropical for silky propolis) (use escritoire)
