Bee Breeding Guide: Difference between revisions

→‎11 Ignoble Bee Enjoyer Manifesto: uses of Ignobles in industrial apiary and Mapiary.
m (→‎2.2 Bee behavior: clarity on WA.)
(→‎11 Ignoble Bee Enjoyer Manifesto: uses of Ignobles in industrial apiary and Mapiary.)
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Pristine Bees are great.
As long as the production multiplier of their habitat is kept at or below x16, they can cycle forever without any worry about not getting back a princess for the next generation. However, it can be such a hassle to explore the world, trade with villagers, or buy hives in the QB. And all those ignoble bees ... they're just sitting in your chests doing nothing.
As long as you treat them right and don't crank up the production multiplier of their habitat over 16, they live forever and you don't have to worry about them.
Surely youthey can use themused for something?
Ignoble bees offer twoa few advantages over pristine:
However, it can be such a hassle to explore the world, trade with villagers, or buy hives in the QB.
# theyIgnobles are easier to get renewably, since you can use the alvearyAlveary swarmerSwarmer, hivecynthHivecynth, or just extra hive princesses;
And all those ignoble bees ... they're just sitting in your chests doing nothing.
# Exceeding the 16x production multiplier doesn't matter since the princess/queen is already ignoble.
Surely you can use them for something?
# They can be used in the Industrial Apiary or [[Mega Apiary]] forever since both simulate the outputs.
# The [[#5 Botanical Bees|Hibeescus]] simplyslowly makes ignoble princesses become pristine, sousing itmana. is a great tool when you unlock itAvailable in IV, and what you should do with ignoblestier.
Well, you shouldn't, but you can.
Ignoble bees offer two advantages over pristine:
# they are easier to get renewably, since you can use the alveary swarmer, hivecynth, or just extra hive princesses;
# and they can handle over 16x production multiplier.
As stated many times though, since production is capped at 100%, this has pretty limited utility.
The alveary cannot be WA'd so increasing the chance of a product comes at the cost of needing to mitigate genetic decay AND losing access to WA.
Since production is capped at 100% the ability to exceed a x16 production modifier has limited utility. The Alveary cannot be WA'd so increasing the chance of a product comes at the cost of needing to mitigate genetic decay AND losing access to WA. You would almost certainly be better off just making more alvearies or whatever.
Also, ignoble bees have a 2% times genetic decay chance to die each lifespan.
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So to make the most out of ignoble bees, we need to get the production modifier as high as possible and also shrink the genetic decay as low as possible, ideally to a subnormal number.
Before the additive production nerf, getting production high enough that even a 1% primary product would always get both rolls was possible. Now, the most production each modifier can contribute is +6 from an electrical stimulator with 4 diamond tubes, so we can get to an absolute maximum of +102 by having 17 of these.
Now, the most production each modifier can contribute is +6 from an electrical stimulator with 4 diamond tubes, so we can get to an absolute maximum of +102 by having 17 of these.
Now for the second point, the good people over at forestry decided to use floats for their random number generation.
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It's also possible to automate creating ignoble princesses, either using an extra alveary with an automated swarmer, using a hivecynth to make basic ignoble princesses and then gendustry'ing them, or using opencomputers or something to automate trading with villagers.
The [[#5 Botanical Bees|Hibeescus]] simply makes ignoble princesses become pristine, so it is a great tool when you unlock it in IV, and what you should do with ignobles.
= 12 Exact Mutation Math for Non-Commutative Nerds =
