Beginner Tips: Difference between revisions

→‎Key minerals: what items work in the ore finder.
m (→‎Learning to use NEI: clear search and search by mod)
m (→‎Key minerals: what items work in the ore finder.)
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GT [[Ore Generation|ore veins generate]] evenly spaced on a grid, with two chunks in all directions between ore chunks. JourneyMap comes equipped with a togglable ore vein overlay which will automatically register deposits, so long as they are at least 200 blocks away from spawn (chunk 0,0) in both horizontal directions (known issue). The InGameInfo panel in the upper left (by default) will tell you when you're in an ore chunk. Once one is found, simply move three chunks over for the next.
===Ore Finder===
[[File:IGI ore chunk.png|thumb|frame|right|alt=This text is displayed when the player is standing in a chunk that contains an ore vein.|This text is displayed when the player is standing in a chunk that contains an ore vein.]]
When you get an Ore Finder (gold, redstone & iron), walking close enough to the vein with the corresponding ore in the finder will add it to your map. Bring a backpack with one of every discovered oreresource when out prospecting. It can be used to quickly test new ore chunks without digging by putting them one at a time into the Ore Finder while near sea level or slightly below. The Ore Finder has a depth range of 60 blocks. Small ores other than iron/coal will generally correspond to a nearby ore vein, so those should be tested first if spotted. NEI has an excellent module for GT ore veins, showing composition, world type, scarcity and depth. Any ingots, dusts, crushed ore, raw resource such as redstone/lapis, or blocks will work in the ore finder.
=== Preferred processing paths ===
