Changelog 2.3.0

From GT New Horizons

Readable Changelog for Version 2.3.0

Changelog has been cut down by Benji#0586 for your reading.

Extra Cells

Important WARNING

This mod is slated for removal and should not be used. Many items will auto convert, but be sure to convert as much as you can to be safe.


  • Improve performance of texture loading and stitching by using STB.
  • GTNH Can now be run with Java 17 & 19. Special thanks to @Raven 🐦#6682 for her hard work on this.


  • Cell housing and multi fluid cell
  • Add wireless interface terminal
  • Universal wireless terminal support processing pattern terminal mode
  • Add fluid auto filler & wireless fluid pattern terminal
  • Add fluid storage monitor
  • Add fluid level emitter
  • Add fluid storage bus
  • Add super speed card support
  • Add Fluid Buffer
  • Add level maintainer permission control
  • Add ME Level Maintainer
  • Add fluid terminal


  • Add large Co-Processing Unit.
  • Add faster Acceleration Card to IO Ports for lategame cell handling.

Crops ++

  • Add Mana Bean crop
  • Remove sunnarium RNG

Draconic evolution

  • Add vis discount/warp to armour.
  • Add Earth rendered block for decorative purposes.


  • Add warning tooltip.
  • Fluid emitter and import export bus support NEI drag and drop.


  • Name remover now works removes NBT data from rail craft tank blocks, repair markers and removes colours from GT machines.
  • Supercritical steam turbine damage has been reduced.
  • Enhanced multiblock GUIs.
  • Add a completely new system for late/endgame content.
  • Added ore matcher to GT_NEI_DefaultHandler.
  • Fusion NEI support.
  • Walrus comb fix (more EC2 cleanup).
  • Fix HOG Consumption Rate in LCE.
  • Add Wetware SoC.
  • Add Hazmat infusion enchantment recipe.
  • Add Extremely Ultimate Battery.
  • Optical Circuit line recipes.
  • Add Eye of harmony materials.
  • Up-tier processing times of multiple endgame materials.
  • More quad input hatches.
  • Add one step foil bending recipe with control circuit 10.
  • Balance adjustment for the LCR Nitrobenzene recipe.
  • Change Tungstensteel to Require TPV Coils.
  • Add new Weed-EX 9000.
  • Add a Overclock Calculator for multis and the like to use.
  • Add light, medium and heavy oil to get lube.
  • Add NEI handler for IC2 fuel rods.
  • Adapt SpaceTime and Graphene wire to Wiremill Configuration Circuit support.
  • Turbine efficiency helper.
  • Nanite material and circuit board multi for later tiers.
  • Add PBI Pipe casing, Advanced Filter Casing, and Nuclear Star.
  • Make Waila show all the covers attached.
  • Make assline recipes always visible.
  • Add hazmat protection to End Steel / Stellar armours from EnderIO.
  • Add New Items Related to the QFT Tiers.
  • Added new capes, credit to @Jimbno.
  • Ore line for some useless ore.
  • Make the cleanroom to accept 2 doors so Alastor is happy.
  • Force Industrial Apiary to suck 4 amps.
  • Add combs oredict.
  • Add ME output hatch.
  • Bee effects can now be accelerated.
  • Apply new Bees formula in Industrial Apiary and move all gendustry upgrades to Gregtech.
  • Duct tape by right click.
  • Indium Bee nerf.
  • Added batch mode to Processing Arrays adding up to 128 parallel.
  • Add Tea Bee.
  • Allow Redstone, Energy, and item to pass through Fluid Filter Cover.
  • Port pocket multitool from gt6.
  • New Advanced and Wireless Redstone Covers.
  • Add recipe filter block.


  • Make DeepDark tier 9.


  • Make chemplant tier visually 1-indexed.
  • Allow hatches for industrial forge hammer.
  • Increase capacity and production rate of the reservoir hatch.
  • Add Chromatic Glass Foil.
  • Add batch mode to gt++ multis.
  • Add GUIs to Super Busses.
  • Migrate MABS to OC calculator and extended powerbase.
  • Buff some of the late tier recipes.
  • Add the Quantum Force Transformer (Endgame Chemline Skipper).
  • Use Fluids instead of Cells in the Multiblock Dehydrator and ABS.
  • Change Volcanus be IV.
  • Mega Alloy Blast Smelter.
  • Make Chemplant MV and use MV materials.
  • Add xl sc steam turbine.
  • Quick for Cell-Less PAs.
  • Made super bus recipe time not tier dependent.

Galaxy Space

  • Add Space elevator multiblock.
  • Even more space suits.
  • Space elevator travelling.
  • Dyson sworn has been rebalanced to produce 10M EU/module with 10,000 modules max. Formula for decay was also reworked (this needs additional work in future).
  • Space elevator now has an assembler module, pump mk2 and research projects.


  • Allow input hatch on inner ring of compact fusion.
  • Add Yotta fluid lock.
  • Make SC turbine won't explode when overvolted.
  • Enable the final step electrolysis recipe in naqline.
  • Add naq line skip.
  • Add Component Assembly Line multiblock.
  • Allow precise assembler overclock beyond max.
  • Naq fuel change.
  • Thorium balance change.
  • Add fluid detection cover support for Yotta fluid tank.
  • Add void excess option to yotta fluid tank.
  • Remove need for maintenance hatch on yotta.
  • Add better naq fuel recipes to combat fusion spam.
  • Auto place integration.


  • Trigger all conflicting key bindings instead of a random one.


  • Make LSC wireless refill variable persistent.
  • Extremely Ultimate Capacitor.
  • Increase max LSC size.
  • Change way average is calculated for LSC (now shows actual useful values).


  • New teleport staff added.


  • Render bees inside Mega Apiary.
  • Add survival auto place support for Mega Apiary.
  • GT Machines enhanced GUI.
  • Add Industrial Apicultural Acclimatiser and Drone Domestication Station.
  • Mega Apiary: Fix Royal Jelly consumption and force structure updates.


  • Add GT Type Filter ItemSink module.


  • Make empowering bee effect able to be tick accelerated.


  • Add a "hidden" option to Thaumcraft research.


  • Add new button widgets.


  • Backported the Reinforcement Modifier from 1.12.2
  • And added tooltips to some modifier items


T2 rocket now requires LuV circuits. There are several related changes that overhaul the entire EV progression. Rocket parts now have assembler recipes.

  • Add ae2fc cells recipe.
  • Add Space assembler recipe file + recipes for optical components.
  • Add extruder recipes for nether star pipes.
  • LuV-UMV forgehammer fix.
  • Remove more tiny dusts from recipes.
  • Add wireless interface terminal recipe.
  • Add recipe for wetware SoC and wetware with SoC.
  • Move extra cells recipes to ae/ae2fc.
  • Optical Circuit Recipes.
  • Quad Input Hatch recipes.
  • Apiary with oredict.
  • Replace creative staff of travelling with teleport staff.
  • Creative essentia cell.
  • Add UXV Energy Hatch.
  • Add recipe for Hyper-Acceleration Card.
  • Add Roof Tile (TF) recipe.
  • TPS card now craftable.


  • Add fluid craft pattern terminal prioritize mode support


  • Add AE2 Stuff Inscriber to RecipeCatalyst.
  • Bookmarks: save result that has output bigger than 64.
  • Bookmark item stack size readable conversion.


  • Ported ME Robot Upgrade from EC2 (with some code cleanup)
  • Add OC drivers for Essentia import/export bus
  • added a way to retrieve the whole tick time table in one call


  • Add one-tick pulse mode to pulse former
  • Remove screwdriver durability


  • Disable mob spawn on blocks.


  • Breaking a drawer will drop fewer items.


  • Use ModularUI method for sending Ender Fluid Link Cover message.
  • Eye of harmony improvements and fixes.
  • UXV Part recipes + Nerf Stargate.
  • Swap pico circuit board.
  • Extremely Ultimate recipe + 1-step energy module
  • Add Eye of Harmony multiblock.
  • Optical circuit recipes.
  • Add craft for uxv energy hatch and dynamo.
  • Add Recipes for Multi-Amp UMV hatches and UIV and UMV lasers.
  • Added full block variant of all pipe types.
  • replace coils in high tier circuits with inductor SMD.
  • Allow any of 360k coolant for UHV Energy Hatch / Dynamo Hatch.


  • Allow Arcane Assembler parallel.
  • Add partition tooltip to essentia cells.


  • Useful focus shadow beam.
  • Increase discount of ichor armours.


  • Nourishment Talisman Default Research Update
  • Support edible foods for Talisman of Nourishment (GregTech foods and another)


  • Improve smeltery GUI tooltip.
  • Mod Friendly Piercing (Rapier, Arrow & Bolts).
  • Backport: Only break one block when sneaking.


  • Make wand drain warp event less punishing.
  • Make doppelgangers pass on healing.
  • Add "safe" tainted sheep for tainted livestock rain warp effect.


  • Add shift-click interaction and quick label cleaning to the Aspect List.
  • Fix flight.


  • Implemented enhanced multiblock GUI.
  • Add wrap for wetware SoC.
  • Adds aSMDs, xSMDs, indalloy, and living solder to Magneto Resonatic Circuits consistent with the other circuits.
  • Optical Circuit recipes.
  • Allow Electric implosion compressor to get structure updates from upper half.
  • Add Weed-EX 9000 consumption in EIG.
  • One step foil.
  • Add enchanced GUI to EIG.
  • Add flowers to EIG.
  • Add configuration circuit to mixer recipes for Ruridit and Rhodium-Plated Palladium.
  • Make Electric implosion compressor animation only visual.
  • High tier cable diodes.
  • No Humidity Mode for the EIG.
  • New high density compression recipes.
  • Add compatibility for bartworks and Cell-less PA change.
  • Adds 2 new tiers of glass.


  • Allow input hatch on inner ring of compact fusion.
  • Add Yotta fluid lock.
  • Make SC turbine not explode when overvolted.
  • Enable the final step electrolysis recipe in naqline.
  • Naq line skip.
  • Add Component Assembly Line multiblock.
  • Allow precise assembler overclock beyond max.
  • Naq fuel change.
  • Thorium balance change.
  • Add fluid detection cover support for Yotta fluid tank.
  • Add void excess option to yotta fluid tank.
  • Remove need for maintenance hatch on yotta.
  • Add better naq fuel recipes to combat fusion spam.
  • Auto place integration.


  • Add new SMD components
  • Make Ore Processing Diagram chemical bath recipe handler handle any input fluid amount.
  • Add missing EBF coils and scan EBF recipes for precise temperature values.


  • Adding the new soap to the latest version.
  • Infusion matrix.


  • Paintbrushes can paint line of blocks when holding shift.