Charcoal Pile Igniter: Difference between revisions

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(Added information on how to construct the multiblock, as well as its usage)
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The Charcoal Pile Igniter is a method of producing charcoal faster and more efficiently than a coke oven, but without the ease of automation and creosote that a coke oven provides. It converts each log into brittle charcoal blocks which, when broken by an axe, drops 1-2 charcoal. It does require pigwrought iron and steel to craft, and so is gated behind a basic steam setup as well as a bricked blast furnace.
[[File:2018-05-18 23.15.21.png|thumb|A currently running charcoal pile|center]]
== Construction and Usage ==
The charcoal pit multiblockmulti-block consists of a square floor of bricks, from 3x3 to 11x11. The shape can be a rectangle, as long as it fits within an 11x11 square. Above the bricks, place up to 5 layers of logs you wish to turn into brittle charcoal, thenblocks. placeCover all faces of the charcoallogs, pileexcept igniterfor one on top, ofwith thedirt centeror ofgrass. yourThen logplace the charcoal pile. Coverigniter anyon facestop* of the logs withand dirtfill orin grassthe andempty thenspace. activateWait theabout charcoal10 pileseconds igniterfor it to start. If the top of the igniter begins to emit smoke, the process has started.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Note that all blocks in the structure must be within 6 blocks of the igniter; so if you want to have a full 11x11 square, you must place the igniter dead center on top of the pile.
Once the smoke has stopped, you are free to remove the dirt and dig up the blocks that have replaced your logs - these will drop charcoal.
[[File:2018-05-18 23.13.50.png|left|thumb|The beginnings of a 5x5 charcoal pile; with the maximum height available (5 wood layers)]]
[[File:2018-05-18 23.15.26.png|left|thumb|The completed charcoal pile]]
