Combustion Generator

Revision as of 23:59, 28 May 2018 by Amancila1 (talk | contribs)

Combustion generators run off flammable liquids. The main fuels for these are creosote oil, light fuel, diesel, bio diesel, cetane-boosted diesel, and gasoline. There are 3 tiers of single block generators, a multiblock generator, and 3 higher-tier single block generators added by GT++.

Gregtech Single Block Generators

There are 3 combustion generators added by regular Gregtech, providing LV-HV power. Efficiency decreases slightly with higher-tier generators. These generators use their fuel intelligently - they only produce as much power as needed, and turn off if there's no power draw at all. They don't ever lose fuel over time, don't waste fuel idling, and don't need lubrication.

Basic Combustion Generator

The basic combustion generator is available at LV. It produces 1 amp of LV power (32 EU/t) at 95% efficiency.

Advanced Combustion Generator

The advanced combustion generator is available at MV. It produces 1 amp of MV power (128 EU/t) at 90% efficiency.

Turbo Combustion Generator

The turbo combustion generator is available at HV. It produces 1 amp of HV power (512 EU/t) at 85% efficiency.

Combustion Engine Multiblock

The combustion engine multiblock is, essentially, a larger version of the single block generators. Unlike the single block generators, it needs a supply of lubrication (1 cell per hour) and always produces the maximum amount of energy it can, even if it's being wasted. They produce 1A of EV power (2048 EU/t) at 100% efficiency by default, or can be boosted with a constant supply of oxygen to produce 3A of EV power (6144 EU/t) at 150% efficiency. Note that oxygen boosting requires an IV dynamo hatch, and must be transformed down to EV if you want to use it for EV power.

Rocket Engines

Rocket engines are EV-LuV single block combustion generators, added by GT++.

Basic Rocket Engine

The basic rocket engine is available at EV. It produces 1 amp of EV power (2048 EU/t) at 136% efficiency.

Advanced Rocket Engine

The advanced rocket engine is available at IV. It produces 1 amp of IV power (8192 EU/t) at 120% efficiency.

Turbo Rocket Engine

The turbo rocket engine is available at LuV. It produces 1 amp of LuV power (32768 EU/t) at 104% efficiency.

Fuel Options

Basic Fuels

Combustion generators can be run off of creosote oil, which gives 8,000 EU per cell. This is very inefficient, and not recommended for long-term use. They can also be run off raw oil from the ground, giving 16,000 EU per cell. This is also very inefficient, but can be useful for running a pump automatically to obtain oil from wells. Combustion generators can be ran off of ethanol, giving 192,000 EU per cell, or methanol, giving 84,000 EU per cell. These are less efficient than using them to make bio diesel, but can be useful.

Oil Distillation

The main source of combustion generator fuel is oil. At LV, oil can be distilled into sulfuric light fuel, and then turned into light fuel, which gives a respectable 320,000 EU per cell. At MV, you can make diesel by mixing light fuel and heavy fuel (also from oil), giving 480,000 EU per cell. At HV, you can cetane-boost this diesel, giving a whopping 720,000 EU per cell. Finally, at EV a long and complicated processing cycle can be used to produce high-octane gasoline, which gives a fantastic 1,152,000 EU per cell. Using regular gasoline in a combustion generator isn't worth it.


An alternative to oil is bio diesel. Bio diesel is produced using seed oil or fish oil (from fluid extracting various seeds and plants, or fluid extracting fish), ethanol or methanol (from fermented biomass or chemical reacting CO2 or CO with hydrogen), and sodium hydroxide, from chemically reacting water and sodium, or from fluid extracting salt water. Bio diesel gives only 256,000 EU per cell, but is fully automatable and renewable. Bio diesel can be turned into cetane-boosted diesel, giving 720,000 EU per cell, but only gives 750L of cetane-boosted diesel per 1,000L of bio diesel.