Commonly used acronyms and nicknames: Difference between revisions

Added in HEE: hardcore ender expansion acronym
(Add existing hyperlinks to letters A-L)
(Added in HEE: hardcore ender expansion acronym)
(17 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
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Being an exceptionally technology and magic-heavy modpack, GTNH comes with a large variety of items and materials with long names that earn themselves various acronyms and nicknames, especially on the Discord server.
This is intended to be a non-comprehensive list of known acronyms and nicknames for various things in the modpack. Please help to add new acronyms as they come into common use.
* Looking for more generic terms or acronyms? Check the [[Modded_Minecraft_Basics#Lexicon|Modded Minecraft Basics: Lexicon]].
Please help to add new acronyms as they come into common use.
==== A ====
* AAL: [[Advanced Assembly Line]]. A more advanced version of the ALAssembly Line.
* AAL: [[Advanced Assembly Line]]. A more advanced version of the AL.
* ABS: [[Alloy Blast Smelter]], a GT++ multiblock that can smelt materials directly into liquids.
*AE / AE2: [[Applied Energistics 2|Applied Energistics]], a logistics mod capable of executing on-demand autocrafting. Available from EV onwards. Also known as ME.
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*AT: [[Active Transformer]], converts voltage tier to another with virtually no loss.
* BBF: [[Bricked Blast Furnace]], the starter-tier multiblock needed to smelt your first steel.
*BBW: Better Builder's Wand. May also be used for the ExtraUtilities Builder's Wands.
*BC: Buildcraft (e.g. bc tank = buildcraft tank)
*BLS: Better Loading Screen, a mod to make your loading screen real pretty. Disabling may speed up load times.
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*BW: [[Bartworks]], a mod. Might also mean the developer BlueWeabo.
* CA: Circuit Assembler. An assembler dedicated to making circuits, needed for higher tier circuits.
* CE: Community Edition. A version of GregTech that is not used in New Horizons, with much less content.
* CAL: Circuit Assembly Line. LuV-tier multiblock machine needed to craft very high-tier circuits efficiently.
* CBD: Cetane-Boosted Diesel. 2nd highest energy density of the [[Combustion Generator|combustion generator]], fuels and a T1-T2 rocket fuel.
* CIB: See CRIB.
* CBT: Crop and Bee Torture. How it’ll feel when you’re twenty five hours into breeding and realize you missed a step.
* CoAL: Component Assembly Line. Special Assembly Line only for motors, pumps etc.
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* CRIB: CRafting Input Buffer. Part of GTNH's custom Applied Energistics additions.
* DAAL - Dedicated Advanced Assembly Line. An AAL that does only one recipe with high power input.
* DD: Deep Dark
* DEFC: Draconic Evolution Fusion Crafter. For Draconic Cores and Dragonblood.
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* DTPF: Dimensionally Transcendent Plasma Forge: Endgame multi used to mix molten metals and fluid into new molten metals.
* EBF: [[Electric Blast Furnace]]. Essential Multiblock machine needed for smelting of materials
* EECECE: [[Extreme ExterminationCombustion Engine]]. Chamber: Multiblock that simulatesversion killingof monstersthe tosingle getblock theircombustion lootgenerators.
* EEC: Extreme Extermination Chamber: Multiblock that simulates killing monsters to get their loot. The multiblock name will be changed to Extreme Entity Crusher soon.
* EFC: Ender Fluid Conduit, the HV-tier EnderIO method of teleporting fluids around
* EHE: Extreme Heat Exchanger, a multiblock machine capable of making steam, SH steam, and SC steam. The big brother to the LHE.
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* EV: Extreme Voltage. T4 in the quest book, and associated with Mars
* FDR: [[Fluid Drilling Rig]]. Also known as the multiblock fluid drill. Able to tap the bedrock fluid reservoirs on various planets.
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*FPS: Frames per second.
* GC: Galacticraft. The mod that provides planets and such.
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*GS: GalaxySpace
* HBM: Horrible Bad Mod. Won’t be added (actually Hbm's Nuclear Tech Mod)
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*HTGR: High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor
*HV: High Voltage. T3 in the quest book, and associated with cleanrooms and the Moon
*HEE: Hardcore ender expansion. A mod that overhauls the end.
* IAADDS: Industrial Apicultural Acclimatiser and Drone Domestication Station, also known as the Mega Apiary.
* IBF: Infernal Blast Furnace from Witching Gadgets.
* IC / IC2: Industrial Craft 2
*ICO: Industrial Coke Oven. GT++ multi that is (mostly) an upgrade for the Pyrolyse Oven.
*IV: Insane Voltage. T5 in the quest book
* JEI: Just Enough Items. Not used in GTNH. See [[Not Enough Items|NEI]].
* LCE: [[Combustion generators|Large Combustion Engine]]. EV-tier multiblock generator running off combustible fuels.
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*LDFP: Long Distance Fluid Pipeline for fluid transfer.
*LDP: Long Distance Pipeline, can come in two variations listed below. Either subtype requires chunkloading of the start and end, and only accommodates 1 input and 1 output.
*LES: Large Essentia Smeltery.
*LESU: Lapotronic Energy Storage Unit. Don’t build it.
*LEG: Large Essentia Generator, a multiblock power generator that converts your essentia to EU.
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*lwjgl3ify: A magic mod that makes it possible to run GTNH with Java 9-19. Stands for Lightweight Java Game Library 3 -ify.
* MABS: Mega Alloy Blast Smelter.
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*MV: medium voltage, T2 in the questbook
* Naq: Naquadah, mid-late game material. Also, a stargate shoutout.
*NEI: Not Enough Items
*NVG: Nightvision Goggles
* OC: Overclocking or OpenComputers, depending on the context. For overclock x/y would be ratio of speed to power, 2/4 double speed, quad power, 4/4 quad both = perfect OC.
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*OW: Overworld
* PA: Processing Array. Multiblock machine capable of running up to 64 identical single-block machines as if placed in the world
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*PVC: polyvinylchloride. Mid-tier plastic.
*QB: Questbook.
*QFT: Quantum Force Transformer. UEV multiblock that processes resources with a non-consumed catalyst item.
* RC: RailCraft, a mod that adds rail-related stuff. The most important part from this mod is the iron/steel multiblock tanks.
* RC, but in version string: Release candidate. This is the kind of version we release right before a stable release. Recipe and balance wise it should be identical or nearly identical to the stable release that soon follows. Slightly more buggy than a stable.
* SB: Singleblock machine.
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*SFM: Steve’s factory manager
*SH Steam: Superheated steam. Created with a LHE and converted into regular steam and power using a large HP steam turbine multiblock and an appropriate turbine item.
*SMD: Surface Mount Devices, or circuit parts; resistors, diodes, capacitors, transistors.
*SoC: System on a Chip; Wafer component used for making Circuits.
*SR: Silicone Rubber. Plastic needed to coat cables at higher tiers. A better choice for cable coating.
*SS: Stainless Steel or screenshot depending on the context.
*SSP: Survival Single Player. Single player mode.
* SU: [[ServerUtilities]], GTNH's version of FTBUtilities & FTBLibrary.
* T: Tier. Often used in power equations.
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*TVI: Transvector Interface. From Thaumic Tinkerer: Lets you interact with a block's side via the TVI to multiple sides.
*UAAL: Universal Advanced Assembly Line. An AAL capable of doing many different recipes.
*UCFE: Universal Chemical Fuel Engine, a multiblock power generator that accepts gases like diesel, benzene and rocket fuel.
* UV: Ultimate voltage. T8 in the questbook. Not actually the highest voltage tier, however.
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*UXV: Extended Mega Ultimate voltage, T13
* VF: Vacuum Freezer. Multiblock machine needed to cool hot things (mostly hot ingots, occasionally plasma cells) and chill cool things (compressed air -> liquid air)
* VM: Void Miner
* WA: World Accelerator (TE mode - tile entity mode for the WA)
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*WG: Witching Gadgets, a mod.
*XL: usually means an XL turbine, like the XL Gas Turbine or the XL Plasma Turbine.
* ZPM: Zero Point Module voltage, T7 in the questbook. Also refers to the item of the same name.
