Commonly used acronyms and nicknames: Difference between revisions

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* CA: Circuit Assembler. An assembler dedicated to making circuits, needed for higher tier circuits.
*CAL: Circuit Assembly Line. LuV-tier multiblock machine needed to craft very high-tier circuits efficiently.
*CBD: cetaneCetane-boostedBoosted dieselDiesel. 2nd highest energy density of the combustion engine fuels and a T1-T2 rocket fuel.
*CP: ExxonMobil Chemical Plant, a GT++ multiblock used to make some interesting recipes.
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* EBF: Electric Blast Furnace. Essential multiblock machine needed for smelting of materials
*EU/T: energyEnergy unitsUnits per tickTick
*EV: extremeExtreme voltage,Voltage. T4 in the questbookquest book, and associated with Mars
*EIO: EnderIO, a mod with numerous utility functions.
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* HBM: horribleHorrible badBad modMod. Won’t be added. (actually Hbm's Nuclear Tech Mod)
*HOG: high-octane gasoline, the most energy dense combustion engine fuel.
*HP: high pressure, usually used in the context of a large HP steam turbine or HP steam machines.
*HV: highHigh voltage,Voltage. T3 in the questbookquest book, and associated with cleanrooms and the Moon
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* IC / IC2: Industrial Craft 2
*IV: insaneInsane voltage,Voltage. T5 in the questbookquest book