Discord: Difference between revisions

Changes made to the Sub Channels and the explanation of the discord
(might end up merging this with Discord Commands, we'll see.)
m (Changes made to the Sub Channels and the explanation of the discord)
(5 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
Line 1:
'''Discord''' is the primary communications method for GT:NH. The most active channels are '''#help''' for technical and in-game support, and '''#general''' for socializing. New releases, upcoming feature and changes are listed in '''#upcoming-features''' and '''#announcements''' , which is also where pack releases are linked. New members should stop by '''#role-select''' to get the appropriate tier badge for their progress to let others know what tier they are when asking for help.
There are a lot of acronyms used in chat, so keep the linked list below handy for a while. To try out some bang(!) commands, use the '''#bot-commands''' channel; that's what it's for.
For those seeking assistance in '''#help''', [https://dontasktoask.com/ please DO just ask]! No need to inquire if [https://nometa.xyz/ anyone can help], or saying hello first, nor non-useful openers like "I have a problem". Nobody is going to think you rude for straight up stating what you're struggling with or asking how to do something. You're also more likely to get help if you [https://xyproblem.info/ ask about your problem], not your solution. Even if there are multiple conversations going on, jump right in.
* [[https://discord.gg/EXshrPV Discord Invite]]
* [[https://discord.ggcom/EXshrPVinvite/gtnh Discord Invite]]
* [[Acronyms]]
* [[Discord Commands]]
Line 14 ⟶ 16:
** upcoming-features
** role-select
** dev-announcements
Line 23 ⟶ 26:
** off-topic
** off-topic-2
** russian-off-topic
** memes-only
Line 35 ⟶ 39:
** french-general
** german-general
** polish-general
** russian-general
** spanish-general
Line 62 ⟶ 68:
** wiki-dev
** buildscript-changes
** translation-dev
** quest-dev
** lobby 1
** voice-chat-text
** lobby 2
** lobby 3
** lobby 4
** AFK
** voice-chat-text-chat
** botania-discussion
** blood-magic-rework
Line 74 ⟶ 86:
** loading-screen-art-old
** dev-gc-oxygen-discussion
** early-game-aluminium-rework
** naquadah-line-rework
