Electric Blast Furnace: Difference between revisions

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The EBF is often the first GT multiblock new players make, and as such is a common source of frustration and issues. Unlike single block machines, the Electric Blast Furnace has multiple valid configurations and if incorrectly built will void its recipe ingredients, wasting resources and power. Its recipe capabilities are determined by both the [[Coil]] block used and Energy Hatch(es) it's built with.
== How to BuildConstruction ==
The EBF is 3x3x4 in size; four blocks tall with a 3x3 footprint. While not affected by rain, any [[Generator]]s or [[Battery Buffer]]s connected to it can catch fire and [[explode]] if exposed, so it's best covered or placed indoors. Use F9 to check chunk borders and ensure the EBF is contained in a single chunk. Partially loaded multiblocks are prone to deforming or exploding. LV is the minimum tier for [[Multiblock#Input Hatch|hatches and busses]], but they can be upgraded later for more capacity or greater effect.
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=== Automation ===
Thankfully, automating an EBF is extremely easy. Input hatches accept fluids from any pipe, or manually in the GUI using cells. Input buses accept items from item pipes or hoppers. Output Hatches will auto-output fluids into pipes, butwhile Output Buses will voidpush theminto automaticallyany ifcontainer, item pipe or hopper. Busses and Hatches only auto push/pull from the hatchface ismarked fullwith four small arrows around a hole. Output BusesAs of 2.4.0, the EBF will automaticallyshut down by default if there is no space for the recipe output. items intoThis anybehavior containercan inbe frontchanged ofby them,adjusting orthe intoVoid anMode itemin pipethe orcontroller. hopper, butOnly willset voiditems anyand/or newfluids outputsto void if completelythey are not fullwanted.
==== Wallsharing ====
