Electric Blast Furnace: Difference between revisions

moved multiblock parts explanation to their own page.
m (moved multiblock parts explanation to their own page.)
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=== How to Build ===
The EBF is 3x3x4 in size; four blocks tall with a 3x3 footprint. While not affected by rain, any [[Generator]]s or [[Battery Buffer]]s connected to it can catch fire and explode if exposed, so it's best covered or placed indoors. Use F9 to check chunk borders and ensure the EBF is contained in a single chunk. Partially loaded multiblocks are prone to deforming or exploding. LV is the minimum tier for [[Multiblock#Input Hatch|hatches and busses]], but they can be upgraded later for more capacity or greater effect.
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* The Output Hatch, if used, goes in any of the other eight positions.
* Fill the rest of the 3x3 with Heat Proof Machine Casings.
=== Component Explanation ===
LV is the minimum tier for hatches and busses, but they can be upgraded later for more capacity or greater effect. The '''Input Bus''' is for supplying solid items and setting a [[#Circuits|control circuit]] or ghost circuit, while the '''Input Hatch''' holds liquids or gasses. The EBF cannot be supplied with Fluid Cells in the Input Bus; liquids and gasses must go into the Input Hatch's tank. The Input Hatch can hold a reserve of fluid cells and will automatically empty them as it drains, capacity permitting. It cannot empty cells that have more fluid in them than it can hold at once.
The '''Output Bus''' is where finished items will be deposited after processing. If a valid inventory is placed adjacent to the Output Bus's output face (dark grey square with orange triangles), it will automatically push items into the inventory, no [[Conveyor]] needed. Otherwise items will accumulate in the Output Bus until emptied. If the Output Bus is full, the EBF will continue to work and destroy any new outputs. Ensure there is sufficient inventory space or the bus to empty at all times. It checks each slot of an inventory so later on this may produce some lag.
The '''Output Hatch''' is optional and will collect waste gasses for some recipes (C0<sub>2</sub>/CO/SO<sub>2</sub>), mostly ore dusts. The amount collected is based on the tier of the Muffler Hatch and at LV it will get nothing (0%); a MV Muffler recovers 13% of the possible total. The quantities shown in NEI are for the 'best' Output Hatch (UHV).
The '''Muffler Hatch''' gives a bonus reduction to pollution output and determines the percentage of waste gas recovered for some recipes. By default an LV Muffler Hatch has no reduction or gas recovery, but is still required to successfully form the multiblock. A [[Portable Scanner]] will show the current pollution reduction afforded by the Muffler, or look at the tooltip in [[NEI]].
The '''Maintenance Hatch''' is where any [[Maintenance]] issues need to be addressed. There are no tiers for this block.
Each '''Energy Hatch''' accepts up to 2A of its tier. Since even the most basic EBF recipes require 120 EU/t, it needs to be supplied with 4A of LV to reach MV energy tier. If there's even a single [[#Maintenance|maintenance]] issue, the EBF can still run but will need three LV Energy Hatches accepting a total of 5A of LV power. Fixing any maintenance issues promptly is far less costly in the long run.
[[Coil]]s determine what recipes the EBF can do, and how well it does them. Some recipes will require more heat than Cupronickel coils provide. For instance, Energetic Alloy requires 2200K, while Cupronickel Coils only provide 1800K- thus, a EBF cannot smelt Energetic Alloy until its coils are [[#Upgrading|upgraded]]. An EBF or group of wallsharing EBF's can only have one coil type.
==== Bonus Heating ====
