Electric Blast Furnace

From GT New Horizons

Your first EBF (Electric Blast Furnace) Needs to be rewritten

The Electric Blast Furnace is an Multiblock structure, being 3x3x4 blocks in total (3x3 wide and 4-blocks high) It is recommended to use multiple Energy Hatches for your first EBF since you’ll have to feed it with constant MV power (128 eu/t, which in this case means 2 Energy hatches accepting 2 amps of LV power each making it 32eu x 4 amps which equals to MV power) The easiest way to give power to the EBF is using battery buffers, but it can also be done without battery buffers if you got enough power production for it. Later on you can replace your Energy Hatches with one MV energy hatch instead, or use multiple MV Energy Hatches to gain HV power to it.

Building your first EBF

Before starting to build your EBF

There are two different recommended ways to power your first EBF (using low voltage).

If you have found Stibnite/Tetrahedrite in the Nether you can build two LV battery buffers and place two batteries inside each of them. These battery buffers should be connected directly to the energy hatches of the EBF, and in this case you only need two energy hatches. Make sure the batteries contain a lot of charge since the blast furnace will need to consume a significant amount of power to process the reactants.

Example: To make one aluminium ingot you need 204 000 EU, this means that you’ll need more than 100 000 EU inside each battery buffer. At least three sodium batteries or two lithium batteries (fully charged) per battery buffer is recommended to produce one ingot.

If you do not have access to Stibnite/Tetrahedrite yet, then you need more than two energy hatches - 3 is recommended. You should have 5 EU generators powering your EBF which needs to be able to keep running during a full EBF operation. If one of the generators run out of power, it might stop the furnace and will destroy the reactant(s) inside. 5 lv generators should be used to account for energy loss in the cables. To understand the exact mechanics of power loss it is recommended to look up another article on it.

The bottom layer must contain these blocks.

1 Electric Blast Furnace control block, placed in the middle of a side

1 Maintenance Hatch

1 Input Bus, 1 Output Bus

At least 1 Energy Hatch

0-4 Heat Proof Machine Casings, Use these to fill all the empty spaces in the 3x3 bottom layer.

The second and third layer is built using Heating Coils

There are multiple kinds of material you can use for Heating Coils. These coils limit the max temperature inside the EBF. Different recipes require different temperatures, and the blast furnace will not operate if the reactants require a higher temperature to react than the coils can tolerate. At this point of the game you only have access to Cupronickel Coils which gives the EBF an max temperature of 1800 degrees kelvin. You need a total of 16 Coils, 8 on each layer and the middle block should be hollow. Do not mix different types of Heating Coils.

The top layer

The top, or fourth layer, is build using 8 Heat Proof Machine Casings and one Muffler hatch. Similar to the second and third layers, the Machine Casings go on the edges and the Muffler should be in the Middle, facing up.

Starting your EBF for the first time

Before you can start your EBF you need to do maintenance on your machine. This is done by right-clicking on the Controller block to see which problems exist, then grab the proper GT tool and use it inside the Maintenance Hatch More information about which tools you need can be found inside the GT- Energy & tools book. Since this is your first EBF you will most likely not be able to fix the “Circuitry burned out” problem yet. The EBF will still run with this problem, however the energy consumption is increased 10% with every problem inside the EBF After the problems is fixed hit the controller block with an Soft Mallet to enable the machine. The Machine Controller will turn Green once the EBF starts and turn red again once its complete.

Upgrading your EBF

There is two ways of upgrading your EBF.

Voltage increase

Allows you to put more voltage in your EBF recipes If the EBF is able to, it will overclock itself and reduce the speed used in crafting. This will increase the power consumtion aswell.

Coil replacement

Allows you to process higher tier materials inside the EBF, by heat level Coils also increase the stats of the EBF some.

Every extra 900K makes it so you get 5% less eu/t usuage

Every extra 1800K halves the time taken


All Electric Blast Furnace recipes consume either 120EU/t or 480EU/t. However, the MV Energy Hatch requires Aluminium to craft, and Aluminium cannot be smelted outside an EBF. Therefore, the first time an EBF is constructed, in order to operate, its structure must contain 3 LV Energy Hatches. (Two would be enough ordinarily, but if any Maintenance problems are present, the EBF's energy consumption jumps from 120EU/t to 132EU/t, greater than the 128EU/t afforded by two LV Energy Hatches.) Power is the most important problem with using an EBF. As it requires MV Electricity when only LV is available, it requires 5 Basic Diesel Generators, Gas Turbines, or Steam Turbines. 5 Steam Turbines consume 510L Steam/tick, equal to 34 High Pressure Coal Boilers, 17 High Pressure Lava Boilers, or one fairly expensive Large Bronze Boiler. If, however, a supply of Oil is readily available, a Distillery can easily supply enough Diesel to run a Blast Furnace. One of the primary uses of the Electric Blast Furnace is the smelting of Iron into Steel. While the Bronze Blast Furnace can also produce Steel from Iron, the Electric Blast Furnace is much, much faster and more energy efficient. (The Bronze Blast Furnace can smelt one Iron Ingot into one Steel Ingot in 6 minutes for 4 Charcoal. The Electric Blast Furnace can smelt one Wrought Iron Dust into one Steel Ingot in 5 seconds for approximately 20,000 EU, including Oxygen and Wrought Iron processing. Using High Pressure Coal Boilers, 4 Charcoal can produce far more than 20,000 EU.) Another important use of the Electric Blast Furnace is the smelting of Silicon Ingots, for when Applied Energistics 2 is installed alongside GregTech, all of its circuit recipes consume Silicon Plates. Silicon Dust can most easily be acquired by electrolyzing Silicon Dioxide Dust, a process which also generates 2000L Oxygen (useful for Steel or Annealed Copper). Silicon Dioxide Dust is most easily acquired by centrifuging Glass Dust.

Useful information

As with all other GregTech multiblock machines:

  • Insufficient energy supply will destroy the currently processed material.
  • When the Output Bus is full, the Electric Blast Furnace will continue to work and will destroy all newly produced items. Put a diamond chest on the output to capture items.
  • If you add an output hatch to the top layer, you can capture output gases for processing.
  • Do NOT build a multiblock machine over chunk borders. Doing so can lead to unpredictable behavior. If you have NEI installed (which you should), chunk borders can be viewed by pressing F9 (by default).
  • Before using the Electric Blast Furnace for the first time, maintenance must be performed.
  • To activate or deactivate the Electric Blast Furnace, hit its control block with a Soft Hammer.
  • EBFs can share walls, just like the BBF. They can also share input and output hatches. Energy hatches sometimes work if shared, so recommendation is to not share them.
  • There can also be more than one input hatch or bus. This way you can dedicate one hatch per input gas.
  • Large fluid cells (search for large*cell in NEI) can be placed in the input hatches to do large batches of items.
  • Because of the high pollution levels, keep your muffler upgraded to the highest tier available.
  • Do not mix different types of Heating Coils.

Troubleshooting your EBF/Common problems

The EBF runs for a while, and then turns off

  • Make sure you are giving it enough power, See Power usage for more details.

The EBF Does not start

  • Hit it with a Soft Mallet to enable it
  • Double check the recipe using NEI. Integrated circuits is needed together with the dust inside the input bus. Make sure you have the correct processing gas.
  • Make sure the Muffler Hatch is not blocked by another block
  • Make sure the Muffler Hatch is facing up
  • It could also be caused by it not getting any power at all
  • Is the Circuit inside the Input Bus?

Content in this page has been copied and possibly modified from the FTB Gamepedia Wiki at (Electric Blast Furnace). Such content is under the CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 License.