Extreme Entity Crusher

From GT New Horizons
Revision as of 07:41, 29 November 2023 by AnCorp (talk | contribs)

The Extreme Extermination Chamber is a multiblock that functions as an automatic mob farm. Despite what it says in the tooltip it does not spawn mobs or other entities, instead each work cycle it generates a certain amount of items from the corresponding drop table and puts them directly into the output bus. This is very efficient lag reduction method, and it is recommended to replace all other mob farms with EEC when possible.

Multiblock Structure

A Extreme Extermination Chamber is a hollow 5x7x5 structure.


  • x1 Extreme Extermination Chamber (controller); front, bottom layer's edge center
  • x35-46 Solid Steel Machine Casings, variable: top and bottom layers
  • x20 Steel Frame Box: edges of vertical walls
  • x9 Diamond Spikes: 3x3 center of layer 2 (from bottom to up)
  • x60 Glass (EV-tier or above): 4 3x5 windows in each vertical wall
  • x1 Maintenance Hatch; anywhere on bottom layer
  • x1+ Energy Hatch (EV+, limited by glass tier); anywhere on bottom layer
  • x1+ Input Bus (any, but ULV recommended); anywhere on bottom layer, optional
  • x1+ Output Bus (any); anywhere on bottom layer, optional
  • x1+ Output Hatch (any), anywhere on bottom layer, optional


A non-empty EnderIO powered spawner must be put into the EEC controller. Turn the EEC on in GUI or with a Soft Mallet, and the items will start appearing in the Output Bus. You may put an enchanted weapon into an Input Bus, and EEC will apply the Looting enchant on the weapon to increase the amount of generated items. Some items in drop tables only generate when the weapon has a specific enchant applied, so also check that. Besides items, each operation produces a certain amount of Liquid XP, which goes into Output Hatch.

Ritual Mode

Ritual Mode is a setting that allows EEC to produce Life Essence (LP, blood) to fill the Blood Magic altar, in addition to normal production.

To enable Ritual Mode you must have a working Well of Suffering (WoS) ritual within a certain distance(?) to EEC, also a Blood Magic Altar should be within the WoS area(?). After that you need to turn the Ritual Mode on in EEC GUI.

If the Extreme Extermination Chamber does not work, refer to troubleshooting guide. A specific condition where EEC refuses to work is some mobs can only be generated as Infernals (more powerful mob version), which raises voltage requirements. Check mob info in NEI and adjust your power supply if necessary.