Farming Station

Revision as of 06:09, 27 May 2023 by Embri (talk | contribs) (added images, table, categories, and cleanup)

The Farming Station from EnderIO is an automated crop and lumber management block. It can be configured to automatically plant and harvest when supplied with power and tools; a Hoe for crops and Axe for wood. Any enchantments applied to the tools also work, such as Looting/Fortune to increase drop rates. Every time the Farming Station harvests it costs tool durability, eventually requiring replacement or unbreakable tools such as the Healing Axe or Tinker's Construct Unbreakable trait. Capacitors can be used to increase the range, power use, and power storage of the Farming Station. IC2 Crops do not work with the Farming Station. Up to four different plants can be managed in separate quadrants.

A seven by seven farmland plot with four different crops. In the center is a greyish green block with purple core, connected to an overhead cable and battery buffer.
Machine GUI with red vertical power bar on the left, capacitor slot below, slots for tools and fertilizer across the top center, and slots for seeds and harvest below.
Farming Station GUI

Opening the Farming Station's GUI gives access to its internal slots. A capacitor can be added to the bottom left, below the red power bar. Tools and fertilizer go in the top row, while seeds are placed in the center four slots with padlock icons. Locking a seed will prevent any other from being used in that quadrant. The six slots in the bottom right are output. The Farming Station can automatically push/pull items when configured using the white gear icon interface. As a RF machine, it can be powered with RF or EU from a GregTech power source. The Farming Station passively consumes ~225 EU/s even when not actively working, and significantly more when harvesting or planting in its smallest configuration (7x7).

It is highly recommended to get an Unbreakable tool to minimize upkeep.

Capacitor Total Farm Size Plots (in blocks) Power Usage (RF)
None 7x7 12 x 4 40 RF /t
Double-Layer Capacitor 11x11 30 x 4 67 RF /t
Octadic Capacitor 15x15 56 x 4 93 RF /t
Crystalline Capacitor 19x19 90 x 4 260 RF /t
Melodic Capacitor 21x21 132 x 4 460 RF /t