Good Practices With AE: Difference between revisions

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* If you can, avoid using subnetworks for storage: This is a good way to trigger a lot of updates at once if you do it. (Famous example of a laggy storage subnetwork is the Super Soaryn Drive)
* If you want to use crafting cards in export busses or interfaces, reduce the queries as much as you can: Use the 1st point of this list and if it's still spamming the queries, consider making the needed items outside of AE and import them in AE once they are done
* You should prefer using AE drives instead of the chests + storage busses combo: the hashes of the items are precalculated in the AE storage cells. It does not make any noticeable difference for items without [[NBT]], but will make a difference for items with NBT
* Always prefer teleporting the AE network instead of pulling long cables.
* If you don't need interdim teleportation of your AE network, prefer using the wireless connectors, they are less laggy. (Warning: they consume more energy than the quantum ring, viable once you obtained a neutronium energy cell)

Revision as of 03:52, 31 December 2023

Here are some good practices to respect when building your AE network:

  • Always put the highest multiple of a recipe if you can, as it reduces queries for AE. Example: you want to automate the craft of 1 iron dust from 1 iron ingot. Automating it like that will make 64 queries if you want a stack of it. Automating 64 iron dusts from 64 iron ingots will only make 1 query if you want a stack of it.
  • Always prefer recipes without reusable items if you can: it impacts server tps because it needs to calculate if it can reuse the items after each query. Example: you should aim for the assembler recipe of the machine casing instead of the crafting grid recipe.
  • If you can, avoid using subnetworks for storage: This is a good way to trigger a lot of updates at once if you do it. (Famous example of a laggy storage subnetwork is the Super Soaryn Drive)
  • If you want to use crafting cards in export busses or interfaces, reduce the queries as much as you can: Use the 1st point of this list and if it's still spamming the queries, consider making the needed items outside of AE and import them in AE once they are done
  • You should prefer using AE drives instead of the chests + storage busses combo: the hashes of the items are precalculated in the AE storage cells. It does not make any noticeable difference for items without NBT, but will make a difference for items with NBT
  • Always prefer teleporting the AE network instead of pulling long cables.
  • If you don't need interdim teleportation of your AE network, prefer using the wireless connectors, they are less laggy. (Warning: they consume more energy than the quantum ring, viable once you obtained a neutronium energy cell)
  • If you need to teleport more than 32 channels to a destination, use a subnetwork with P2P, and then teleport the subnetwork
  • If you want to use ExtraCells' fluid input/output busses, don't use acceleration cards, that makes it laggy as hell.
  • The time of your 1st opening of your AE storage is proportional to the amount of itemstacks and NBT you have inside of it. To reduce it, get rid of the item types with low amount and with heavy NBT.
  • In the version of the pack, if you use an ore dictionary export bus and the wildcard (*) in your expression, make sure to avoid multiple oredict prefixes matching your expression, it generates a lot of lag. For example, "ore*" is matching the following list:
    • "ore*"
    • "oreCrushed*"
    • "oreCrushedPurified*"
    • "oreCrushedCentrifuged*"
    • "oreAny*"
    • "oreNetherrack*"
    • "oreNetherrackAny*"
    • "oreEndstone*"
    • "oreEndstoneAny*"
    • "oreBlackGranite*"
    • "oreBlackGraniteAny*"
    • "oreRedGranite*"
    • "oreRedGraniteAny*"
    • "oreMarble*"
    • "oreMarbleAny*"
    • "oreBasalt*"
    • "oreBasaltAny*"
  • Don't put storage buses in drawer controllers, because it'll lag the server, especially if you have big cuboid drawer storage, because the drawer controller will have to scan the cuboid drawer storage each time there is an item I/O done by AE on it.
  • Defragment your storage! A very fragmented storage with thousands of item types can cause huge lag spike when the AE is first loaded, because internally it must build the initial cache of the items in the network. So defragmenting speed up the process of the cache building.