IC2 Crops: Difference between revisions

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== Farming ==
IC2 crops can be farmed in a couple ways. The first way is using the Crop Harvester from IC2 itself. This will harvest crops, but not fertilize or hydrate them. You will need a Crop-Matron and a large supply of fertilizer and water, or crops with high stats may die, depending on biome and elevation. The other way to farm IC2 Crops is using the Forestry farm multiblock, set to orchardIC2 Crops mode (Uranium238 Electron Tube) using an intricate circuit board. This will harvest, fertilize, and hydrate the crops, using only a very small amount of fertilizer and water. It will also cover a larger area than the Crop Harvester, making it a very attractive option.
Be careful that you do not place seed bags with high stats onto crop sticks that your Forestry farm or Crop-Matron hasn't yet fertilized and hydrated. They could possibly die before the machine even gets to them.
