Large Boiler
Needs Cleanup! |
This is a quick guide to get your Large Bronze/Steel/Titanium/Tungstensteel Boiler online. If you're having trouble getting it to form follow the layer by layer guide below.
Note <MATERIAL> tag below must be the same. You cannot mix and match. For example you would replace the <MATERIAL> tag with the proper material from the "Valid" lists below the shopping lists. Example: Large Bronze Boiler. Then all of your components must be bronze.
Shopping List
- 1x Large <MATERIAL> Boiler (Controller Block)
- 4x <MATERIAL> Firebox Casing
- 1x Maintenance Hatch
- 1x Input Bus
- 1x Input Hatch
- 1x Muffler
- 3x <MATERIAL> Pipe Casing
- 32x <MATERIAL> Machine Casing
Valid Controller
- Large Bronze Boiler
- Large Steel Boiler
- Large Titanium Boiler
- Large Tungstensteel Boiler
Valid Firebox Casing
- Bronze Firebox Casing
- Steel Firebox Casing
- Titanium Firebox Casing
- Tungstensteel Firebox Casing
Valid Pipe Casing
- Bronze Pipe Casing
- Steel Pipe Casing
- Titanium Pipe Casing
- Tungstensteel Pipe Casing
Valid Casings
- Bronze Plated Bricks Casing
- Solid Steel Machine Casing
- Stable Titanium Machine Casing
- Robust Tungstensteel Machine Casing
Layer by Layer Build Guide
Note: I've been shown that the output hatch (where the steam comes out) can be placed almost anywhere, however, note this guide is meant to get you a verified working boiler. Feel free to experiment from here.