Matter Junction: Difference between revisions

m (Fixed wrong voltage)
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== Introduction ==
The Matter junction is used to route [[Elemental matterMatter]]. You can specify which input goes to which output by using a [[Parametrizer]] to set a destination for each source. Every input can only be routed to one output. For transferingtransferring [[Elemental matterMatter]] the machine will use (Number of outputs + number of inputs) / 2 (rounded down) amps at 524288 volts. Note that the machine can [[explode]] if it receives too much elemental matter, this can be prevented if high enough overflow hatches are used.
== Construction ==
When constructed you can switch any Molecular Casing with an [[Elemental inputInput hatchHatch]], Elemental output hatch or Elemental overflow hatch. Due to the limitation of TecTech multis only having 10 IO blocks, you can only use up to 10 inputs and outputs.
{{Navbar Tectech}}
