Open Computers Crop Breeding: Difference between revisions

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(2 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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[[File:Robot Components.png|thumb|400x400px|Bare minimum components inside the OC Electronics Assembler.]]
*'''OC Electronics Assembler '''
*'''OC Charger'''
*'''Tier 2 Computer Case'''
*'''Tier 2 Accelerated Processing Unit'''
*'''Tier 2 Memory'''
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*'''OpenOS Floppy Disk'''
Lastly, you need a Transvector Binder and Transvector Dislocator which requires some progression in Thaumcraft. Neither are very difficult to craft even if you have yet to start Thaumcraft. In the Thaumonomicon, Transvector Dislocator can be found under "Thaumic TinkererTinkering" which requires both Transvector Interface and Smokey Quartz on the same tab. You will also need to complete research on Mirror Magic under "Artifice." For more information, visit the [[Thaumcraft Research Cheatsheet]] wiki page.
==Building the Robot==
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Lastly, these programs can be chained together which may be helpful if you have brand new crops (ie. 1/1/1 spruce saplings) and want them to immediately start spreading once they are fully statted-up. Note that no crops are added to the storage farm until autoStat is complete. Also note that keepMutations in the config should probably be set to false (default), otherwise the storage farm will be overwritten once the second programautoSpread begins. To run autoSpread after autoStat, simply enter:
''autoStat && autoSpread''
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''Solution: Possibly change location. Crops have minimum environmental stat requirements (nutrients, humidity, air quality) and going below this threshold will kill the crop and leave an empty crop stick behind that is susceptible to growing weeds and overtaking the farms.''
'''5) There is a PKIX path building error when downloading the files from GitHub'''
''Solution: This is from having outdated java certificates. Try updating your java (21 is recommended), but be prepared to manually install the files by copy-pasting the code from GitHub. The [[Open Computers Crop Breeding#Other Helpful Commands|Other Helpful Commands]] section below can help with that.''
== Recommended Crops ==
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To edit (or create) a new file, enter
''edit <filename>.lua''
To remove any one file installed on the robot, enter
