Open Computers Patterns

From GT New Horizons

Basic Idea

One issue you will almost certainly hit at some point is the limiting nature of AE patterns. Simply having 16 inputs or outputs just isn't enough sometimes. There are many solutions to this, however one of the simplest and best is done through open computers. Good news is that you don't need any coding experience to get this up and running.

Here is the source of a decent implementation of this idea It only really works when you want many inputs, for one output, such the case for singularities. However this basic code can be rewritten to work for any recipe you wish. One limitation of this method is that you max out at ~16320 total input or output items.

The general idea is that you can use OC to write data to AE patterns. This lets you give each pattern up to 255 inputs and outputs!

The setup is fairly simple. Get an adapter, a database upgrade, and an interface. Put the adapter next to the interface, and put the items you want to put in the pattern in the database by right clicking it. Run the program on OC and it will ask for two things. How many inputs you need, and the slot of the item in the database. Give it these, and after some time you will get a fully formed AE pattern with tons of inputs.

Additional Information

component.me_interface.setInterfacePatternInput(patternSlotNumber, databaseAddress, databaseIndex, stackSize, patternIndex) is the method used to write data to the inputs. setInterfacePatternOutput() is for writing to the outputs.

patternSlotNumber is the slot in the interface that the specific pattern is in (1-9)

databaseAddress is the address of the database component which stores the items to be written

databaseIndex is the index of the specific item in the database. This index starts at 1 for the first item

stackSize is the quantity of items you want to write to the index of the pattern (1-64)

patternIndex is the index of the slot in the pattern you wish to write to (1-255)

Video tutorial

A simple tutorial explaining how to setup the basic setup used for singularities