Project Red Transportation - MV Storage and Autocrafting

From GT New Horizons


Applied Energistics 2 is an incredible mod, and will supersede all other autocrafting options when you get it. However, it is not necessary to reach EV and get titanium to do autocrafting.

This doesn't just mean the basic "auto crafting table" functionality - you can also request items on demand from a storage system, load recipes perfectly from a single input, and more!

What are my options?

Project Red: Transportation is great. Use it (assuming you're at least MV).

(TODO: Non PR:Transportation options)

Explaining Project Red: Transportation

Most of Project Red: Transportation is not a huge improvement over normal GTNH passive crafting. However, it shines most due to two circuits and one pipe:

  • Circuits
    • Item Broadcaster Chip
    • Stock Keeper Chip
  • Pipe
    • Routed Interface Pipe

The Routed Interface Pipe is the backbone that allows everything to work. It connects to inventories and has space for up to 4 chips to insert.

The Item Broadcaster Chip tells the PR network that an item is available in an adjacent inventory. It has up to 9 slots and can have a priority set for it.

The Stock Keeper Chip can be told to only fill an inventory with an exact number of items (up to 9 slots) and then stop until it becomes empty again. This means no waste - items aren't requested until they're needed.

With these basic building blocks, it is possible to build a single network that contains every dedicated crafting path you want, with ingredient reuse across the different crafting paths.

You don't get machine reuse like you would with AE2, but hey - you can always add those machine crafting recipes to your network, right? :)

Project Red Example: Autocrafting LV->MV circuits

How do I get Project Red Ingredients?

First, remember rule 1 of any autocrafting system - the first system you set up should be making more of the autocrafting system. So make sure you have chips automated.

Now, looking at specific items:

  • Dyes for Illuminars
    • One source is bees, as they passively produce flowers while active. You can automate bees easily using an apiary, a hopper, and some tin item pipes that feed the bees back into the apiary.
    • Alternatively, you can progress in Thaumcraft and get the Rainbow Cactus. This can be farmed for dyes.
  • Gold / Redstone / Glowstone Dust / Silicon
    • All of these are byproducts of glowstone dust producing flowers like glowflower or glieonia (from Thaumcraft). Set them up - you're going to need them anyway for chrome for HV.
    • You can also directly get redstone from redwheat.
    • If you're on, cobblestone -> sand -> glass -> silicon dioxide is a great source of silicon.
  • Diamond
    • GT++ Fish traps are a renewable early game source of diamonds.
    • Alternatively, you can produce these from bio chunks.
  • Glass
    • Arc furnace!!