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Departure checklist categorization & formatting
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(Departure checklist categorization & formatting)
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=== Departure Checklist ===
* An oxygen collector
==== Equipment ====
* All your [[Oxygen Guide|oxygen gear]] - 3 light tanks at least, 4 recommended
** Moon monsters can occasionally drop extra tanks
* Equipment with nightvision
** nightvision, theThe nights are LONG and dark. nanosuit comes with it, if you have one, or you can add nightvision to Darksteel armor
* At least 16 stacks of light sources (more if you do not use automated miners)
** GC torches or other non-vanilla torch light source
** Ztones lamps are also good
* Food
* food ofc -* At least 8 stacks of tin cans depending on how much mining you plan to do
** Or bring the healing axe if you already got it
* Mining tools
* Weapons (A sword to break webs inside the dungeon)
* Repair materials
* Tool station
* goodGood armor, you'll have to go into the dungeon there at some point - charging/repair station for the armor
* Charging/repair station for the armor
* [[Jetpack]] and [[Hang Glider]] of choice, coal works fine if you bring a bunch of water and coal blocks, [[Copter Pack]] is better, for movement
* enoughEnough fuel to run miners and jetpacks
* waystonesOptional: Waystones and their stuff, if you want to get into that, optional though
==== Base components ====
* An oxygen collector
* An oxygen compressor
* Some oxygen tubes to get the oxygen from the collector to the compressor
** Note that if you bring LOX you will ''still'' need an oxygen collector/compressor to transfer it to your tanks
* aA couple stacks of sheared leaves, to collect oxygen
*Note that if you bring LOX you will ''still'' need an oxygen collector/compressor to transfer it to your tanks
* A power source
* All your oxygen gear - 3 light tanks at least - add another light for backup, also moon monsters can occasionally drop extra tanks
** a power source- galacticraftGalacticraft machines use TINY amounts of power, just bring a couple fully-charged large lithium batteries and you'll be fine for a LONG damn time
* parachute
* Storage
* A fuel loader and canisters of fuel, to get yourself back
** Compressed chests are good for bringing back loot, or get lots of backpacks.
* a few cells of fuel-just in case. Bring a few empty ones to empty the extra fuel out of your rocket.
*Storage containers - compressed chests are good for bringing back loot, or get lots of backpacks.* Also bring some throwaway chests for garbage loot you might want to bring back later.
* a power source- galacticraft machines use TINY amounts of power, just bring a couple fully-charged large lithium batteries and you'll be fine for a LONG damn time
* nightvision, the nights are LONG and dark. nanosuit comes with it, if you have one, or you can add nightvision to Darksteel armor
* GC torches or other non-vanilla torch light source - ztones lamps are good. At least 16 stacks! More if you do not use automated miners.
* food ofc - At least 8 stacks of tin cans depending on how much mining you plan to do
* your mining tools and weapons
* the stuff to repair your tools-the materials and a tool station
* good armor, you'll have to go into the dungeon there at some point - charging/repair station for the armor
*A sword to break webs inside the dungeon
*Storage containers - compressed chests are good for bringing back loot, or get lots of backpacks. Also bring some throwaway chests for garbage loot you might want to bring back later.
* waystones and their stuff, if you want to get into that, optional though
* [[Jetpack]] and [[Hang Glider]] of choice, coal works fine if you bring a bunch of water and coal blocks, [[Copter Pack]] is better, for movement
* plenty of storage to take all your ores and stuff back with you (Spectral Key is going to be gated with titanium) - Keep the tuft, dirt, and rock for centrifuging
* Oxygen bubble distributor, if you intend to set up a long-term base there
* MV miner and related incidentals - generator, chunk loader, mining pipes, output chests. Stop when they hit a vein or reach Y 50, collect small meteoric iron - better to bring HV - covers more area, and also can recharge your nanosuit!
*Hand prospector or seismic prospector + incidentals. Digging on vein centers is so LV era!
* enough fuel to run miners and jetpacks
* HV monster repellator to keep 40 block radius around moon base clear (even without power), or a magnum torch
==== Mining outpost components ====
* MV miner
** Better to bring HV - covers more area, and also can recharge your nanosuit!
** Don't forget: generator, chunk loader, mining pipes, output chests.
** Stop when they hit a vein or reach Y 50, collect small meteoric iron
* Hand prospector or seismic prospector + incidentals. Digging on vein centers is so LV era!
==== Return trip ====
* Parachute
* A fuel loader and canisters of fuel, to get yourself back
* aA few cells of fuel-just in case. Bring a few empty ones to empty the extra fuel out of your rocket.
* plentyPlenty of storage to take all your ores and stuff back with you (Spectral Key is going to be gated with titanium) - Keep the tuft, dirt, and rock for centrifuging
=== Arrival checklist ===
